I have been blessed to own just over 200 acres with my family. I can tell you it is in none of the areas mentioned, it isnt the flatest, the prettiest, the most convenient, etc. What I can tell you is it took us over a decade to own that much land, started with 60 acres, and I wouldnt change it for the damn world. When we first bought the place we had trouble seeing deer, although we did chase a few nice bucks. This year we need to shoot a couple does as we have to many deer around (browse pressure is insane).
I think trying to identify a specific county is very difficult. I have places to hunt that are butted up to no hunting, small parcels loaded with deer in parts of state not known for high deer densities. I have hunted all over SE Ohio, some farms just 5 miles apart and the variance in deer density is remarkable.
If I had to do it again, here is what Id look for in a 200 acre property, no matter where it is located in Ohio
1. Nearest Neighbors - where are they, how much do they own (if 200+ acres as well, thats a plus to me)
2. Bedding or ability to select cut timber to create bedding
3. Identify limiting factors and establish a plan for you to be able to add this limiting factor to your farm- example, if you believe food is limiting factor, are there enough flat areas to plant high quality food.
Last tip - if you can afford to buy 200 acres, try to buy 300 because no matter how much you own youll want more and the next ridge will always look good.
Thanks for reading!