Phil you're being a good sport since you're getting the brunt of it lol....
Thanks J. Not bad for such a whiner I guess. lmao
Phil you're being a good sport since you're getting the brunt of it lol....
Mike? You care to elaborate? :smiley_chinrub:
Tramp stamp?? Ohhhhh shiiiittttt!! It's on!!
Don't listen to Cheech.
"License and registration please"
"Ain't it on the bumper man?"
Here's one I ran across you fuggers can have fun with. No face camo, but I had some 80's hair going on!
Here's one I ran across you fuggers can have fun with. No face camo, but I had some 80's hair going on!
Hol-ee shit!
Phil someone just took the heat off of you hahaha
Badger- That was a great one! I won't go there. I mean, you just took that picture last week right? Oops. I guess I went there. lol
"License and registration please"
"Ain't it on the bumper man?"
Here's one I ran across you fuggers can have fun with. No face camo, but I had some 80's hair going on!