Happy New Year everyone! I've been so busy. Work has been busy and barn chores take longer in the winter. The snow and cold have kept me from the woods though. The dogs are stir crazy and I am stir crazy. But I am totally smiling when I think back to December. What an awesome month for running rabbits. Hardly any snow to slow us down unlike most years. I was able to run the dogs multiple days per week for 2-4 hours at a time. The rabbits have been staying above ground for the most part and that has lead to many runs of one to two hours just on one rabbit. It was glorious.
The last Sunday of December the hounds and I headed out to the pasture. We actually started out on the side toward the house. My plan was just to skirt up the creek bank and then cross over the culvert and head to the woods. There is not a whole lot of brush on the house side but there are a few swamp rose bushes and lo and behold the dogs found a rabbit in one. The rabbit took off and tried to jump the rain swollen creek and made it about 2/3rds of the way across. Splash. It was quick about getting out of the water and ran to the overgrown side of the pasture. That is how we ended up in the pasture rather than going to the woods. So I let the dogs just run the rabbit. My barn cat that tags along with us sometimes was right with me. At one point the cat went partway up the slope of the pasture while I waited near the creek crossing. The dogs circled the rabbit round and I saw the rabbit coming straight down the slope of the pasture toward me. On its way, it ran smack dab right into the barn cat. One of the funniest things I have seen. The cat was startled and grabbed at the rabbit but wasn't quite sure what to do with a full grown rabbit on such short notice. The rabbit easily escaped the barn cat's grasp and continued on. The cat then had to jump off to the side when the dogs came past. I was laughing pretty hard at this point. Well that encounter cured the rabbit of coming around to that part of the pasture again so I had to move up yonder. The rabbit took the dogs on an up and back along an overgrown fenceline and then circled behind me before coming around to my left side where I was able to make a good shot.
I've now resorted to rabbit selfies. Oh dear.
The dogs were so hopped up on rabbit scent that they had no use for the dead rabbit laying in the grass. They ran past into the brush and just that fast were on another rabbit. The barn cat however did come over to investigate.
This is the second rabbit I've taken off the farm this year. I usually shoot somewhere in the 4-6 range for the year. I like to keep lots of rabbits for the dogs to run.
Oh and Santa brought each of the beagles a dog bed for Christmas. No more plain ol' blankets on the floor. The beds are a big hit.
Tomorrow I will get them out for a good run in the snow. They were out for a half hour while I did chores when the snow first came a week ago but its been too cold all this week. I'm looking forward to hunting in the snow. I'm just hoping we don't have issues with too many holed up rabbits.