Looks like I missed a little drama around here. Well how about I get this rabbit running/hunting thread back on track. I'll share a couple videos I took and a few pictures of some hunts.
First up is a video from late January. As usual, if I am taking video I do not have a gun with me. This first one I was sitting on a log and the rabbit came past not 6-10 feet away. I love when this happens. Scenting conditions were average. Overall the dogs didn't do too bad but whenever the rabbit travels through a snow tunnel and comes out the other side, well it's a large gap of no scent and the dogs have to figure out where to pick up the track. (yep I'm making excuses for me dogs, LOL)
Looks like one video per post so I'll put the second video in a separate post.
And some from a few hunts:
First up was a hunt down at my neighbor's house. We've been trying to get him in position to take one with his bow. So far it has been so close but no success yet. On this hunt my neighbor's son came along with his shotgun and he did shoot two rabbits. I just was along to handle the dogs and did not carry a gun. My neighbor manages his place for rabbits with a great series of brush piles around and about. There were rabbits running everywhere. Great fun!
The following day just the dogs and I went and hunted a spot on my farm I call the swamp. This was back before the big snow fall we had and there was only about 4-6 inches of snow on the ground that day. This area is a good 1/2 mile from the house so I really can't get back there very easily in snow any deeper. Still 4-6 inches is enough to make everything a challenge. The snow had been around for awhile and so was hard packed over top of all the brush. It is so thick back there and there are infinite spots for the rabbits to hide that the dogs cannot get into. I shoot very VERY few rabbits back there because it is so challenging. The dogs had been chasing rabbits here and there for a couple hours when I took them up an edge along our main crop field. I was busting brush right along with them when they got a rabbit going. I was able to climb up on a dirt mound and get a view into the swamp. The dogs took the rabbit on a classic decent sized circle through the swamp while I waited. I was able to shoot the rabbit and of course it died right in the thick stuff. And of course the beagles could care less about picking up a dead rabbit in their mouth. So I had to get down and crawl through the snow on my hands and knees about 20 feet in to get the rabbit. I took one picture as I was almost there of the dog staring at the rabbit. (Don't just stare at it you stupid dog! LOL) And another pic after I extracted myself from the brush.
I had a fun hunt yesterday and came home with another rabbit but will save that tale for a little later.