I went down a roto tilled the 1.5 ac. fall food plot. Didn't see no new thistles. And strange as it was all the thistles were in that 1/2 ac. plot and no where else.
I spread fertilizer on the whole 3.0 ac plot. Spreading fertilizer with my 3 pt. spread is a dream come true as it throws a path 60 ft wide. I always spread at 50% and go over it 2 times.
Went back to the barn and got 2 bags of WT Inst. Forage Oats and dumped it in the fertilizer spread and went back and spread the oats. once again the spreader throws the lighter oats about 40-50 ft. So on my 100 ft wide plot I take 1 trip along both sides and a trip through the center and it's done. Once again I spread at 50% and do a 2 time coverage.
Went back to the barn and dropped off the spreader and went back down and hooked up the cultipacker and did the whole 3 ac.
Took the tractor back and got my seed around plus my hand spreader. I planted a 1/2 ac combo of radishes, WT Inst Winter Greens and WT Inst Tall Tine. Which is radishes and what ever, I also threw in some Merit Seed Groundhog radishes.
I drove the golf cart down and hand sowed the 1/2 ac plot. Then I hooked the cultipacker behind the golf cart and I'll be darn it pulled it just fine.
Supposed to rain later tonight and through Wednesday, and if it does I should be set on my fall planting.
The 1.5 ac of clover looks good as I've done a better job of mowing and knocking the weeds tops off before they went to seed. In 2016 I will get after the grass and broadleaf weeds in the clover.
Just as a review my 3.0 ac. plot is planted in 1.5 ac of WT Inst clover, 1.0 ac. of WT Inst Forage Oats, and 1/2 ac. of WT Inst radishes, and Winter Greens.
I've had great luck with the clover planting and Forage oats in 2013 and 2014. I pull deer of my adjoining neighbors 110 ac. of horse hay. In 2014 what Winter Greens that I raised was eaten to the ground come spring.