I got some split 3 year old firewood.Don forget to throw some firewood into your trucks if you have room. If everyone brings a little we should have enough.
I got some split 3 year old firewood.Don forget to throw some firewood into your trucks if you have room. If everyone brings a little we should have enough.
Showing a goat at the county fair.
We can do pizza again. The hometown fave, Giannamores, is what we got last year.
Don forget to throw some firewood into your trucks if you have room. If everyone brings a little we should have enough.
How big a generator is needed? I have a couple smaller ones I picked up at auction I would like to try out but they are only 3500w. The one is pretty quiet.
I will likely not be there until Friday evening.
Thats plenty for just the few lights, but 1-2 crock pots will strain. I bet a 1000w would run all the lights. Just need a 4 prong input plug or an adaptor to plug into the 110 outlets on the genny.
m u s t h a v e c o f f e e
Just scheduled vacation for Thursday, so I can get up and get out early. Can't wait.
It's not ideal, but I do have a 500 gallon water tank for coffee I could bring up on the trailer. We could fill it up for the weekend and park it on the hill above the Pavillion and let it gravity feed down with a hose. Up to you guys. Just need to have a place to fill it up (Mike) once we get there.