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2018 Rut Report, County & Conditions

I've been out more already than I thought I'd be out all season. My back has healed and I'm able to move about without any real pain finally. Six sits in and I've yet to see a deer. No rubs or scrapes that I've seen in Carroll county. My buddy did see a six and an eight point yesterday morning, he was sitting about 1/4 mile west of me. Yesterday morning I almost put the BigSlam on a coyote. I lip squeaked him to about 22 yards but he wouldn't walk in to my shooting lane.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good news, HT!

It's right on time from what I can see. My honey hole farm lights up around the 20th of October. Pulled a card Monday and true to form, new bucks and lots of does are showing up. Mason's observations from the fencerow show that as well. First sit out there I think he saw three. Monday evening he saw ten. I'm willing to bet next sit he will lose count. I also believe the best time to catch a shooter on his feet is the last week of October. I've not always thought this, but the last several years observations have shown that's the case for us on this particular farm. I KNOW they move more then than any other time of year just because we see them. Being able to observe deer over two miles away is a real advantage.


Junior Member
Saw a decent buck on a doe this morning. He was right on her ass.. If I woulda been 5 minutes earlier, May have gotten lucky. She may have been in heat early/odd one etc.

But from what I’m seeing the deer are on their feet. The little bucks are walking around like they just took their first shot of wild turkey.

Probably by the end of next week they will be on their 4th shot the following week, they be will be so messed up they will be trying to hump each other.

I think tho the big ones are on their feet first thing in the morning and at last light. Just being in that right spot to see it, is all. End of next week Should get better.

Needless to say I will be doing some light rattling from here on out. Pick up the pace as time goes.

Really happy about the weather we are having. I can’t remember the last time we had temps like this in October.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Seems accurate to me Floki. I don't doubt there has been an early doe bred here and there. Happens every year. Seems on track to me but I've only hunted twice (last week) and checked cameras/road scouting. No new bucks showing up as of last week camera pulls. Early harvest of crops in this area could start moving them. From here on out I anticipate things picking up. Looking forward to last week in October and first two weeks in November.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
Same here....I usually don’t start seeing bigger bucks on my trail cams until around November 3rd thru the 13th. Seems like that is the window every year, at least in my stomping grounds in Vinton County. The last week of October is usually a flurry of young bucks harassing the does. The only thing that seems to slow it down is warm weather, and hopefully we won’t see anymore of that this year.


Junior Member
It was definitely odd. I just think she was an early one. He was definitely hook line and sinker on her tho. She took if he was on the chase...

I did have a new buck show up yesterday. I would definitely shoot it if I saw it, it’s a good deer for here. I know it had to be on its feet during shooting light, to get where it was when I got pics of it. It’s hard telling tho.Deer are transitioning from their summer yards to fall yards right now.

Seems in my neck of the woods you get pictures late summer September then the bucks disappear, makes it a bad season. When I don’t get pics till now up To Mid November seems they stick around..
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knox county ohio
Id say bucks are moving to new areas i havent had a buck on cam yet this year where savannah shot her doe and now there is a pretty good one in there almost everyday for the last week.


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In the NW part of the state, the next two weeks can be really exciting IF the weather plays along, and it appears it will. Familiar faces, that being mature bucks, have started showing back up. Albeit, mostly night time, but they are in fact back in town. Around my way, you can tell it's not far away from the older classes to start lowering their guard down. Seems like forever to wait for this time period, well here it is. Exciting times to be a bow hunter the next 30 days in Ohio!


Junior Member
I am glad I stumbled upon this thread. I was going to ask if it is safe to rattle a bit. I have a camera set up in my Father-In-Law's back yard (2 acres, surrounded by Ag) and got 3 different bucks on it. 1 appeared full blown rut (appeared to be the oldest), 1 may be thinking about it, and the smallest and body wise looking youngest doesn't look like he's even considered it. That is opposite of what seems is going on with you all but I guess we can chalk that up to different areas and my level of inexperience and possible ignorrance.


Junior Member
I am glad I stumbled upon this thread. I was going to ask if it is safe to rattle a bit. I have a camera set up in my Father-In-Law's back yard (2 acres, surrounded by Ag) and got 3 different bucks on it. 1 appeared full blown rut (appeared to be the oldest), 1 may be thinking about it, and the smallest and body wise looking youngest doesn't look like he's even considered it. That is opposite of what seems is going on with you all but I guess we can chalk that up to different areas and my level of inexperience and possible ignorrance.

Rattling is definitely worth a shot right now. I wouldn’t be trying to sound like the apocalypse is happening tho. Unless ya got some TRexs running around.

Then agin that’s just my opinion. Right now I’m just doing some light rattling. In my own personal experience when I rattle it’s not the bashing of the horns together that gets them to come in. It’s when you have the horns locked together and you twist away/grind them it makes a clicking sound. Hard to explain. But for me that’s what gets them to come.
I use real antlers. I also let them soak in a bucket of water for a few days before I take them out.


*Supporting Member*
When blind rattling be aware of your back door . Meaning that there's a good chance that when you rattle that the deer will slip downwind to check out the situation. If a deer can get downwind of you without you knowing it you may want to hold off and only rattle at deer you can see upwind that are not going to pass close enough to offer a shot .

For me rattling is a last ditch effort to pull a deer that I can see in for a shot .
Since I didn't buy an Ohio license this year have to spend Sunday's scouting in Pa. Found a few decent rubs.