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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Are current tests testing for active virus only or for immunity memory?

Joe, that's exactly what I meant about sustainability. Agreed not likely until all exposed.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
The problem is this only works as long as everyone remains cooped up. If we "return to normal" we're simply starting the next spike. They don't really want to publicly admit this, but over the next year this will be an "on again off again" new normal. The only viable plan, as it stands right now, is controlled exposure in batches until we've reached herd immunity. We'll relax things until we start to see a spike and start worrying about care capacity, then it's right back to stay at home orders until it falls again. Repeat as many times as i takes. What could speep that up is a massive increase in care capacity. The more care you have available the more people you can let get sick in each batch before you have to close things down again.. I think the next time closures will be more localized instead of widespread, but before we can get to a granular level of stay at home, we really have to ramp up test availability and contact tracing.

There's a slight disagreement on where herd immunity begins, but the range is 60-80% So far .0038% of the state has tested positive. Even if we assume that the 4,4448 who tested positive is only 20% of the cases and we missed 80%. that's still only .019% . We have a long way to go..
Testing has been a failure - now some of the rapid result tests are faulty


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Are current tests testing for active virus only or for immunity memory?

Joe, that's exactly what I meant about sustainability. Agreed not likely until all exposed.

So I took the data that we have so far around Identified cases in Ohio and how many were hospitalized and died. Then figured out what it would cost us to reach 70% herd immunity.

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Supporting Member
Ross County
I have to agree that we'll see up & down breakouts and will for quite sometime.

It's all of a matter of whomever is at the helm controlling whatever,,,


Spectrum's 5g current network & CoVid-19 breakout map and that's just one of the carriers.

Who do you think is behind all these so called health data models actually? hmmm,,, could Mr. Gates be involved?

Think mandatory vaccines, think new personal ID system, think 'D-Wave (quantum computing)', think Geo-engineering, think nano technology, think AI & autonomous vehicles, think big brother camera systems, think internet of things, think complete new economic system and finally, what kind of infrastructure would be needed to support all of it, 5g???

Remember Trumps speech on it?

Again, I respectfully question the current agenda and narrative that's at play, but hey, that's me. I've done years of research on those items previously mentioned and none of them have been mentioned anywhere within the current mainstream.

Also, anyone aware the Saudi Arabia is creating genocide basically in Yemen currently? Bet you can't find that in the mainstream news...

Please understand that I'm a skeptic and I have serious questions that are currently unanswered in what is coming through my television.

"Test, test, test" is what they (government/experts) are pushing, which is basically a DNA capture of all humans. If you research D-Wave,, perhaps that will make perfect sense to you.

Anyhow, like most Americans, I too am paying close attention in what's being said and shared throughout this crisis.

Once again, I wish no harm to anyone and I respect everyone's opinions & beliefs!

I daily hope & pray that we all get through this eventually unscathed.

God bless!
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*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
The problem is this only works as long as everyone remains cooped up. If we "return to normal" we're simply starting the next spike. They don't really want to publicly admit this, but over the next year this will be an "on again off again" new normal. The only viable plan, as it stands right now, is controlled exposure in batches until we've reached herd immunity. We'll relax things until we start to see a spike and start worrying about care capacity, then it's right back to stay at home orders until it falls again. Repeat as many times as i takes. What could speep that up is a massive increase in care capacity. The more care you have available the more people you can let get sick in each batch before you have to close things down again.. I think the next time closures will be more localized instead of widespread, but before we can get to a granular level of stay at home, we really have to ramp up test availability and contact tracing.

There's a slight disagreement on where herd immunity begins, but the range is 60-80% So far .0038% of the state has tested positive. Even if we assume that the 4,4448 who tested positive is only 20% of the cases and we missed 80%. that's still only .019% . We have a long way to go..

To really make the decision to lift quarantines we need a good way to know who already has had it.


Causation and correlation are different. It is people who use the 5G and people who have covid, so the maps will show where the people are

I respect your tenacity, maybe there is a conspiracy, but it isn’t being caused by or connected to 5G.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Joe, thoughts on agreeing on formatting a TOO pole and posting to gather real data for Ohio comparison? Our sample size is small in comparison but represents a large geographical coverage, with many in the hot spots.

I don't have the time or interest, so this is just a reminder that this option is open for anyone to pursue here in TOO land for shits n giggles.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Do you really believe those numbers, Joe? Do you really think OHIO is going to lose nearly a million people?

Do you really believe those numbers, Joe? Do you really think OHIO is going to lose nearly a million people?

If our goal is herd immunity then yes, I do believe them.. 4,448 Ohioans tested positive.. That's .0038% of the population.. Extrapolate Hopitilizatin and death rates out across the age groups to reach the 70% required for herd immunity and that's what we're looking at. And that's IF we can maintain the same quality of care that we have now through the entire pandemic.

I know what you're thinking.. "Yeah but Joe. There are probably shit tons of cases that are undetected." I thought the same thing, so I also compared our case and death rate to the world averages for the same. If we had a ton of undetected cases then our death rate as a percentage would be off. As it stands we are running pretty close to the rates seen across the world.


So when I look at the numbers that Ohio has so far, and I run them out to the 70% infection rate. Yeah, nearly a million people if herd immunity is our exit strategy... The 100,000 - 200,000 total number of deaths in the US that the president keeps touting is hinged on one thing. Everyone staying home. That is unsustainable and unrealistic. We can't hide from a virus for the next 1.5 years until we innoculate everyone and not end up looking like Somalia. Even if we kept everyone home long enough to eradicate it in the US all it takes is for one infected person or item to enter. So we have a couple of options. 1. Develop a vaccine and innoculate 70% of the population (1.5 years) Reach herd immunity (70% get the virus) Or a treatment drug that reduces the mortality severity to the common cold or flu and achive herd immunity with less mortality.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Joe, thoughts on agreeing on formatting a TOO pole and posting to gather real data for Ohio comparison? Our sample size is small in comparison but represents a large geographical coverage, with many in the hot spots.

I don't have the time or interest, so this is just a reminder that this option is open for anyone to pursue here in TOO land for shits n giggles.

Let me think on it.


Supporting Member
Ross County
Causation and correlation are different. It is people who use the 5G and people who have covid, so the maps will show where the people are

I respect your tenacity, maybe there is a conspiracy, but it isn’t being caused by or connected to 5G.
View attachment 99204

I respectfully question the technocrats behind much of what's coming down the pike, and fast!

I forgot to mention Mr. Musk's spacex and all those satellites that are being deposited all over the world, right above our heads. Why so many and what for really?

Ask yourself, who benefits the most from such a crisis as this?

SO, I respect what you saying and I hope that you can respect that I'm not on board totally with what's currently being feed to us.

Billionaires at play...
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Everyone, please feel free to check the math.. Cells A,B,C,D were pulled from the Ohio Department of Health Covid Dashboard this morning.

