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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


Its all a question of what they do with it. Carbon emissions is a BS stat made up to leverage power over the gullible. They will use phone tracking similarly...but with even worse outcomes. Your papers are not in order, comrade.
This is aggregated data usage metrics. Not search warrant level info about individual users.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
They can do the same with onstar or any other lane change assistance programs all the new vehicles are equipped with.

anyone ever seen that kid movie with the little robot that packs trash? Wall-E


Supporting Member
Ross County
Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs! I respect that and I hope all of you do to.

What's happening today with regards to the current crisis is something that the world populations/experts/historians/people/humans has never seen before, especially when you factor in the potential negative economic impacts/outcomes from the pandemic. This crisis is different!

What will life really be like on the other side, the future? Hard to really say in my opinion...

I'm sharing just a very small portion of what is out there if one was to search for it, available for all to read/see and research for themselves. I'm NOT saying that I believe in it nor do I pretend it's not happening. With that said, this 55 minute video has several links within the description area that will offer additional supporting information as to why the creator shared their content. BTW, much of this information has been heavily censored on other internet platforms such as Google/YouTube.

Please understand that I'm not here to cause any problems nor do I wish anyone any harm in anyway. If anything, I wish to accomplish perhaps a different perspective/viewpoint/explanation as to what might be happening at the present time.

I warn you, this information may be difficult for some, so I suggest that you DO NOT view it with youngsters around.I consider this adult content.


I wish everyone a wonderful & safe day!
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Cellular tracking has been going on for years. Google maps keeps a log of every drive, stop, time and route you drive whether you use it or not for that drive. They know what stores you visited, how long you stayed, when you were there, what time you left your house etc.

All of this data is available for purchase in the open market. Supposedly anonymized and doesn't have name or addresses. However it is very easy for someone to single out a solitary phone and cross reference to an address to identify a single person.

This is why Europe passed the GDPR to allow people to protect themselves.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.


Supporting Member
Ross County

A quick followup regarding the mentioned person within the linked article if you don't mind...

I've been big supporter of Microsoft products over the decades,. Ever since the very first MS product became available on the market and I made a good living in doing so.

Microsoft played a big part within my professional corporate career. I've acquired/maintained several Microsoft technical certifications & certificates through Microsoft Classes/Courses from all around the country of most, if not all of their products during that time, which was approximately 15 years, through the 90's and into the mid 2,000's.

Today, I still use and support Microsoft products, both personally and professionally, however, Mr. Bill Gates is just another person that I just wouldn't trust as far as I can throw him. Just saying...

15 minutes worth of some Mr. Gates' history.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Just me , But billionaires are way low on the list of people I trust .
Yup.... Just found out from a good friend that he possibly has it... Woke up last night with a temp and chills, body hurt all over felt like he was hit by a truck... He's a corrections officer and several other guys there already have it, so he was exposed.. He called doctor who sent him to a mobile unit to get tested... Results will be back in a week... My question is how come certain people (cnn newscasters) get results back asap..
That's about 6 people that I know have it...
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Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Yup.... Just found out from a good friend that he possibly has it... Woke up last night with a temp and chills, body hurt all over felt like he was hit by a truck... He's a corrections officer and several other guys there already have it, so he was exposed.. He called doctor who sent him to a mobile unit to get tested... Results will be back in a week... My question is how come certain people (cnn newscasters) get results back asap..
That's about 6 people that I know have it...
We don't get the same stuff or service cuz we ain't shit

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
The snow flakes are coming back to their Ohio homes now that winter is over there supose to self quarntine for 14 days - ha ha - oh my
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
I was wondering how the charter boats on Lake Erie would be affected... Here in Jersey only people that are allowed on a boat are family members... Stripers are just starting to bite good and the charter boats have been grounded... This will put them out of business...


Well-Known Member
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Grove City
Take it for what its worth, but this is from an RN that I respect.

I thought that this "pandemic" would keep the non-emergent complaints at home, and we would see real emergencies. I have been wrong, at least in my area. The stupid complaints still show up, probably about half of our patients are sprained ankles, sinus infections, in grown toe nails, back pain etc. People that are truly sick are terrified to come to the hospital. Had a person just the other day who came and was having a massive heart attack. Person had been having chest pain for 5 DAYS, but refused to go to the hospital because they were "afraid of COVID-19." Patient waited until they were near death to come in. Almost waited too long.

That person is not the only one. People are sitting at home and having strokes and waiting days to come in. Appendixes are rupturing at home because people are afraid to come to the hospital. But a person showed up yesterday because they were out of their Oxycodone and demanded a refill.