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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member


I feel for Denny on this one. On one hand, he just posted a newsweek article and it was indirectly called an alternative news source. Fitting as a response to many of the other articles and I thought it was a good recommendation. You’d get more engagement there because the like minded folks would post there. On the other hand, newsweek hasn’t used fact checkers in 25 years and is generally garbage.

Dude hunts hard and I look forward to his daily updates during the season. Would be a bummer to lose a good member over some conflicting opinions. No one tried to censor you Denny. Stick around and keep posting. I thought he was just trying to help you get some traction.


Staff member
I feel for Denny on this one. On one hand, he just posted a newsweek article and it was indirectly called an alternative news source. Fitting as a response to many of the other articles and I thought it was a good recommendation. You’d get more engagement there because the like minded folks would post there. On the other hand, newsweek hasn’t used fact checkers in 25 years and is generally garbage.

There's 136 pages in this thread and nearly everyone has a copy/pasted dissertation from "news sources" that most of us have never heard of. Don't get it twisted, one post from Newsweek wasn't what precipitated that statement.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Ok... Times are tough.. We are all stressed out.. But busting Denny's balls are uncalled for... Let the poor guy rant if that's what he likes to do.. If you don't like what he writes move on.. Maybe he don't like all the bimbos in the good morning selfie thread, but I don't see him bitching... And Denny, I know you'll read this so grow some thicker skin and come back...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ok... Times are tough.. We are all stressed out.. But busting Denny's balls are uncalled for... Let the poor guy rant if that's what he likes to do.. If you don't like what he writes move on.. Maybe he don't like all the bimbos in the good morning selfie thread, but I don't see him bitching... And Denny, I know you'll read this so grow some thicker skin and come back...
Nobody busted Denny’s balls. What are you even talking about? Joe’s post was loonnnngggg overdue and he did it as politely as humanly possible. Nobody told Denny to take his ball and go home. Yet, that was his response. His choice. Bye, Felicia.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Ok... Times are tough.. We are all stressed out.. But busting Denny's balls are uncalled for... Let the poor guy rant if that's what he likes to do.. If you don't like what he writes move on.. Maybe he don't like all the bimbos in the good morning selfie thread, but I don't see him bitching... And Denny, I know you'll read this so grow some thicker skin and come back...

I wasn't busting his balls. I was just trying to give some advice for delivery in hopes that he could better get his message out there. Why would I do that, we'll I've noticed the indicators of engagement like quotes, responses, and likes was lacking for his post which to me means they're being skipped over. It's something he obviously feels passionate about as he takes considerable time to craft those posts so I wanted to lend a suggestion that may result in better engagement with the individuals who want to read the alternate non-MSM view of the issue. Visa vie a new thread where he can better tailor the narrative. My thought was its good content but maybe misplaced in a sea of other more mainstream talk and was being ignored. Fuck me for being helpful am I right.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
No one was busting his balls prior too his leaving. When you cop n attitude because someone points too an alternative too your approach on posting, well then maybe you’re not up for this whole forum thingy.....
Denny had some good postings all along, albeit a little wordy for my ADD but people liked it up too this whole covid scenario.... He started down that rabbit hole and apparently couldn’t turn around....


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Such is life..

I saw this morning that there's a study for giving COVID patients Nicotine patches. Some interesting data that I want to look into more.

A French study found that only 4.4% of 350 coronavirus patients hospitalized were regular smokers and 5.3% of 130 homebound patients smoked. This pales in comparison with at least 25% of the French population that smokes

One study in China, where the pandemic began, showed only 6.5 percent of COVID-19 patients were smokers, compared to 26.6 percent of the population.

Another study, by the Centers for Disease Control in the US, found just 1.3 percent of hospitalized patients were smokers - compared to 14 percent of America.

Researchers theorized nicotine could prevent the virus from infecting cells or that nicotine was preventing the immune system from overreacting to the virus

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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Ok... Joe's post wasn't bad and I'll be the first to say Denny's posts were long winded and I swear he was like the Energizer bunny running on lithiums.. But when Denny said he was leaving, some posted things that were not needed... I thought TOO WAS BETTER THAN THAT... And those that disapprove of my thoughts, I'm ok with that...
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I’m concerned about the reopening of things. It seems way to many people think it’s good.

I also seen a clip last night of that goofy left chick (bartender) that wa beyond disturbing. Telling people they shouldn’t return to working 70 hour weeks to make a living. Ummm, isn’t that a life choice and the American way?! How about you stop taxing the shit out of us?!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Ok... Joe's post wasn't bad and I'll be the first to say Denny's posts were long winded and I swear he was like the Energizer bunny running on lithiums.. But when Denny said he was leaving, some posted things that were not needed... I thought TOO WAS BETTER THAN THAT... And those that disapprove of my thoughts, I'm ok with that...

I think what you saw is more of an attempt to make humor of an awkward situation. That and ball-busting is pretty common amongst men. It's been a longstanding thing on the internet for someone to blow up and say they're taking their ball and going home. Often this is in an attempt to have people respond with "Oh no.. Please don't.. Hey buddy it's ok" etc. Not saying that was the intent here, but I have seen it more times than I could ever count. The response to that is usually pretty universal and inline with what we saw. At the end of the day, this isn't an adult daycare, we're all men here, nobody is going to kiss the booboo.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
What about waste management, what are they doing to keep your neighborhood safe? Or better yet, what are you doing to protect yourself from getting in transferred that way?

It isn’t realistic to expect them to change gloves at every house. I know my area they still put hands on.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I think what you saw is more of an attempt to make humor of an awkward situation. That and ball-busting is pretty common amongst men. It's been a longstanding thing on the internet for someone to blow up and say they're taking their ball and going home. Often this is in an attempt to have people respond with "Oh no.. Please don't.. Hey buddy it's ok" etc. Not saying that was the intent here, but I have seen it more times than I could ever count. The response to that is usually pretty universal and inline with what we saw. At the end of the day, this isn't an adult daycare, we're all men here, nobody is going to kiss the booboo.
What if it was on one of the girls from the good morning thread? I’m pretty sure I’d make a liar out of you.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
What about waste management, what are they doing to keep your neighborhood safe? Or better yet, what are you doing to protect yourself from getting in transferred that way?

It isn’t realistic to expect them to change gloves at every house. I know my area they still put hands on.
I got an email over a month ago, that if my bags were not tied securely, whether in a can of set out separately they would not take them...
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
That's interesting since a portion of the theory behind Italy's mortality rate was their high population of smokers.

Indeed it was, but I think that was speculation as the data has later proved to be the opposite. But this is simply infection rates, smokers could become infected at a far lower rate but have a much higher mortality rate. Not sure, we'd need to see the case resolution data of smokers vs nonsmokers.