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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


Senior Member
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Rich I tried too figure out on how to post that. No luck, yet buddy. Passed it along too some of the guys too see if anyone could figure it out.
J... That's ok.. I don't feel so bad now... LOL


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
What’s everyone’s outlook on this reopening? How long before the second strand comes into play? Or do you think it may never come?

I’m pretty open minded right now. I have my tinfoil close by though.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I would also like to add that I hope everyone and their loved ones are going back to work now. I know I stepped on some toes earlier in this thread with my beliefs on the unemployment increases and “free money”. I do hope it helped those that needed it and you all are on your way back to some sort of normalcy now.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
What’s everyone’s outlook on this reopening? How long before the second strand comes into play? Or do you think it may never come?

I’m pretty open minded right now. I have my tinfoil close by though.

One thing is for certain. This isn't going away until we achieve herd immunity, and that's if the virus doesn't mutate to a seasonal virus. There will no doubt be a spike in cases and more deaths.
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Dignitary Member
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North Central Ohio
What’s everyone’s outlook on this reopening? How long before the second strand comes into play? Or do you think it may never come?

I’m pretty open minded right now. I have my tinfoil close by though.

Our family situation allows for us to stay at home without issue until at least June 1st. Wife and kids are home through summer so we have agreed to keep taking pretty extreme precautions through summer.

I would be the only one going back to an office environment and I have no interest. If that happens then we join the masses in just saying fugg it. Can only control what I can control for so long.

I am happy for the country, the business owners, and all that will be positively impacted. I have no doubt it will get worse before it gets better though. Will be interesting to see the reaction by both power figures and society.
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
People will welcome the opening with cautious optimism. That is until the new cases start spiking again and then they’ll MF the decision makers on their heartless greed for allowing people to get sick again. We were out yesterday, had the wife’s car serviced and had too return an item that I got when the virus started hitting close too home. Prior too this people were very aware of their surroundings and kept their distance. That went out the window in a hurry and they were just like they were back in December running around like they were Xmas shopping. Talking on their phones not paying attention and acting like “normal” I guess.... One thing I will say, I didn’t miss listening too everyone’s dirty laundry while in the damn checkout lines....


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
This country has to reopen but do it slowly and as safely as possible. Some areas/states/counties much slower and some much faster based on amount of infections and population. If you are compromised then stay away from crowded situations and use the highest protocols until proven vaccine is established or hospitals are running back to normal. Common sense and being considerate of your friends and neighbors goes a long way.
That being said, taking away our civil liberties and forcing everyone but essential employees to stay home is not the answer! That would be MUCH WORSE and destroy EVERYTHING INCLUDING OUR FREEDOM FOR WHICH ALL THOSE WHO FOUGHT AND DIED FOR WOULD BE IN VAIN. I also believe the number of deaths because of that catastrophe would be 10 fold compared to what will die if we stayed like were are now. Just my opinion.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
People will welcome the opening with cautious optimism. That is until the new cases start spiking again and then they’ll MF the decision makers on their heartless greed for allowing people to get sick again. We were out yesterday, had the wife’s car serviced and had too return an item that I got when the virus started hitting close too home. Prior too this people were very aware of their surroundings and kept their distance. That went out the window in a hurry and they were just like they were back in December running around like they were Xmas shopping. Talking on their phones not paying attention and acting like “normal” I guess.... One thing I will say, I didn’t miss listening too everyone’s dirty laundry while in the damn checkout lines....
I’ve been seeing the same.
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
At this point, I feel it should be an individuals choice to venture out, or to open their business. If you don't feel safe, stay home. Period.
This way of thinking obviously comes with some risks involved, but I've about had it.
I went to the hardware store last Friday and it was almost as if some people had no clue there ever was a virus. Our state mandated wearing masks in any store and most people I saw did not have one on as well as social distancing was out the door. Some guys hugging each other because they hadn't seen each other in a while, standing back to back in line. I guess I was thinking people were going to at least try to practice social distancing and figured I would be OK. Gives you a second thought after and makes you realize some just do as they wish. Saturday we went to the local nursery and it was kind of the same thing. Some families covered in masks, doing their social distancing while others just walk right up to you looking at the same flowering basket with no mask in place. Kind of made us feel like we were playing a game of tag-you're-it and avoiding people those two days. Of course then Monday morning my wife and I have scratchy throats so then you are second guessing everything you did those days. LOL today we are feeling fine after taking allergy medicine LOL! Shit plays with your mind.
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Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
I went to the hardware store last Friday and it was almost as if some people had no clue there ever was a virus. Our state mandated wearing masks in any store and most people I saw did not have one on as well as social distancing was out the door. Some guys hugging each other because they hadn't seen each other in a while, standing back to back in line. I guess I was thinking people were going to at least try to practice social distancing and figured I would be OK. Gives you a second thought after and makes you realize some just do as they wish. Saturday we went to the local nursery and it was kind of the same thing. Some families covered in masks, doing their social distancing while others just walk right up to you looking at the same flowering basket with no mask in place. Kind of made us feel like we were playing a game of tag-you're-it and avoiding people those two days. Of course then Monday morning my wife and I have scratchy throats so then you are second guessing everything you did those days. LOL today we are feeling fine after taking allergy medicine LOL! Shit plays with your mind.
Some people are too dumb to live - masks and social distancing are being respectful to other people - hard to avoid the dumb fuggers if you have to be out

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The shutdown has done very little in my neighborhood, I think. Even a causal observer could see out the window of our shop that if this thing was spreading as predicted, this entire town would be sick. We have not shutdown one minute here. We have been busier than ever. We have put in some practices to keep folks separated and for the most part patrons have respected the boundaries. Having said that, the hardware store next door is packed, open to close. Same with Dollar General or any other essential business. There are plenty of places for it to spread, lots of great places for transmitting... and it hasn’t happened yet thankfully! I am all for putting this thing behind us by cautiously moving forward. From what I can tell, the only thing we have done at this point is singling out a select few venues to destroy. A friend that owns the gym here in town has been dead in the water for two months now while he watches the essential businesses in town experiencing a boom. A hard pill for him to swallow I’m sure.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
The shutdown has done very little in my neighborhood, I think. Even a causal observer could see out the window of our shop that if this thing was spreading as predicted, this entire town would be sick. We have not shutdown one minute here. We have been busier than ever. We have put in some practices to keep folks separated and for the most part patrons have respected the boundaries. Having said that, the hardware store next door is packed, open to close. Same with Dollar General or any other essential business. There are plenty of places for it to spread, lots of great places for transmitting... and it hasn’t happened yet thankfully! I am all for putting this thing behind us by cautiously moving forward. From what I can tell, the only thing we have done at this point is singling out a select few venues to destroy. A friend that owns the gym here in town has been dead in the water for two months now while he watches the essential businesses in town experiencing a boom. A hard pill for him to swallow I’m sure.
Hope your town continues to be safe
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