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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Wasn’t it mandatory that those in the health field get it?🤔
I’m afraid it’s coming but I hope I’m wrong. It’s not the same America today. 😐
I think it was in some cases - UCLA is requiring all students and staff to be vaccinated - LA County imposing masks at indoor public places again - some southern states like Miss. Ramping up vaccination centers - reported that most new hospitalizations of covid are unvaccinated people - who knows whats next?

No its not the same America when I was a kid most everyone would have got vaccinated like they did with polio -
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Walbridge oh
I couldn't take it anymore either. I got the fucking shots. That's all I can do. Nothing to bitch about now. Life goes on. The two cases of beer I drank last week probably did more damage to my body than the vaccine.


Dignitary Member
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Miami of Ohio is offering a lottery similar to State of Ohio for vaccinated kids. Unvaccinated must wear mask AKA The Scarlet Letter telling everyone who is or isn't vaccinated. Not sure all hospitals and schools are mandating it. I know there were some court cases won which allowed choice for hospital workers. Don't remember which states the law suits were won. Pretty much more of the same?

My favorite uncle growing up basically scolded me today for no vaccine. I called to see how he was enjoying retirement and to catch up. Now, the uncle I completely revered as a kid may have his number deleted from my phone. I'm on the fence. I won't make this decision without serious thought. Total BS what this has done to our countries, family members, friends, etc. It's not like I think it is fake (as I admittedly did at the start), nor am I writing it off as "just the flu." Yet, I certainly don't believe it is near the level of seriousness as they make it out to be (given MY age and health condition.) In 5 or 10 years I may think completely different.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Miami of Ohio is offering a lottery similar to State of Ohio for vaccinated kids. Unvaccinated must wear mask AKA The Scarlet Letter telling everyone who is or isn't vaccinated. Not sure all hospitals and schools are mandating it. I know there were some court cases won which allowed choice for hospital workers. Don't remember which states the law suits were won. Pretty much more of the same?

My favorite uncle growing up basically scolded me today for no vaccine. I called to see how he was enjoying retirement and to catch up. Now, the uncle I completely revered as a kid may have his number deleted from my phone. I'm on the fence. I won't make this decision without serious thought. Total BS what this has done to our countries, family members, friends, etc. It's not like I think it is fake (as I admittedly did at the start), nor am I writing it off as "just the flu." Yet, I certainly don't believe it is near the level of seriousness as they make it out to be (given MY age and health condition.) In 5 or 10 years I may think completely different.
Your unk ment well - hang on to him
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Your unk ment well - hang on to him
Thanks Dan. I chewed on this all day. I agree. We have different opinions on the virus. But in the end, he already lost my dad 4 years ago when I lost him. Dad was more like a father than a brother to him given the age gap and dysfunctional families they were raised in. I just don't think he could stand to see more family go too soon. And. . . .our opinions differ. If my wife and I were both cancer survivors and in our 60s like he is. . . .I would have already taken my chances with the vaccine.
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Dignitary Member
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Miami of Ohio is offering a lottery similar to State of Ohio for vaccinated kids. Unvaccinated must wear mask AKA The Scarlet Letter telling everyone who is or isn't vaccinated. Not sure all hospitals and schools are mandating it. I know there were some court cases won which allowed choice for hospital workers. Don't remember which states the law suits were won. Pretty much more of the same?

My favorite uncle growing up basically scolded me today for no vaccine. I called to see how he was enjoying retirement and to catch up. Now, the uncle I completely revered as a kid may have his number deleted from my phone. I'm on the fence. I won't make this decision without serious thought. Total BS what this has done to our countries, family members, friends, etc. It's not like I think it is fake (as I admittedly did at the start), nor am I writing it off as "just the flu." Yet, I certainly don't believe it is near the level of seriousness as they make it out to be (given MY age and health condition.) In 5 or 10 years I may think completely different.

Fear does funny things to people. We're all animals at our core, and if it came down to it, the vast majority of people would cut your throat to save their own life, that includes "family". Seriously. There are very very very few people who would die so that you can live, such as most parents would do for their kids. This is no different. Many have been made to believe with certainty that this is a life or death situation and the vaccine is their only hope. It's only natural that they wouldn't give a fuck about your decision as long as they believe it helps to protect them. I know that sounds really harsh. But that's the psychological reality of it. Fear does things to people and we revert back to a basic survival mentality. If they believe they are in real danger then they could care less about your concerns or belief that you don't need the vaccine.


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Little nuggets. Here and there. Never here.


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If you approach this from the alternate perspective of the Flu was made for the Falsy Ouchy instead of the Falsy Ouchy being made for the Flu many things begin to make more sense!

Based upon human nature, somebody somewhere would have heard somebody say something like, "Hey! It's their own fault! I got my Falsy Ouchy so I'm safe. If they don't want the Flu they should have got their Falsy Ouchy too!" But not once have I heard anything like that, have you? Makes me wonder if they even trust their Falsy Ouchy...
If you approach this from the alternate perspective of the Flu was made for the Falsy Ouchy instead of the Falsy Ouchy being made for the Flu many things begin to make more sense!

Based upon human nature, somebody somewhere would have heard somebody say something like, "Hey! It's their own fault! I got my Falsy Ouchy so I'm safe. If they don't want the Flu they should have got their Falsy Ouchy too!" But not once have I heard anything like that, have you? Makes me wonder if they even trust their Falsy Ouchy...
If you approach this from the alternate perspective of the Flu was made for the Falsy Ouchy instead of the Falsy Ouchy being made for the Flu many things begin to make more sense? (intead of !) Maybe I should wear my glasses when I type?...


Supporting Member
Ross County
Fear does funny things to people. We're all animals at our core, and if it came down to it, the vast majority of people would cut your throat to save their own life, that includes "family". Seriously. There are very very very few people who would die so that you can live, such as most parents would do for their kids. This is no different. Many have been made to believe with certainty that this is a life or death situation and the vaccine is their only hope. It's only natural that they wouldn't give a fuck about your decision as long as they believe it helps to protect them. I know that sounds really harsh. But that's the psychological reality of it. Fear does things to people and we revert back to a basic survival mentality. If they believe they are in real danger then they could care less about your concerns or belief that you don't need the vaccine.
I would be interested in seeing a 'TOO' poll of who all here has been vaccinated. Make it anonymous, just a simple poll, which is something I do not know how to do on here, but I bet you do Joe.

I have no intension of ever getting vaccinated even if I were to become infected. I will choose to treat it no different than the flu or the common cold. I can careless what others do with regards to their own health as long as they DO NOT try to impose their beliefs onto me, no matter who they are. My body my choice!
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Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
I would be interested in seeing a 'TOO' poll of who all here has been vaccinated. Make it anonymous, just a simple poll, which is something I do not know how to do on here, but I bet you do Joe.

I have no intension of ever getting vaccinated even if I were to become infected. I will choose to treat it no different than the flu or the common cold. I can careless what others do with regards to their own health as long as they DO NOT try to impose their beliefs onto me, no matter who they are. My body my choice!
If you "can careless what others do" why do you want a poll ?
I got vaccinated to try and protect my family - at my age uhm circle n the drain but there not.

Some TOO members have said they got vaccinated and there are prolly " closet vaccinated" also.
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I am invincible! I plan to live forever! So far so good!

63 in September.

Actually, I've been on borrowed time for decades! Cats envy me as they only have 9 lives! When I run in to folks I haven't seen in 30 plus years, the first thing out of their mouth is, "I thought you were dead! OR Your still alive?!?!"

This world owes me nothing. I have been blessed beyond measure and am at peace with my Lord. I am in His hands and He never fumbles! Nothing can come against me that blindsides Him and He has my back. Certainly all I will ever deserve is Hell, but for His glory He saved me! That is His free gift for all who will surrender to Him! If there ever was a person who could ask for their will to be done, it was His Son! Yet even He said, If there be another way, then take this cup from Me. Yet not My (perfect) free will, but Your perfect Sovereign Will be done!" That is surrender. He drank fully the cup of judgment meant for me on my behalf... So yes I put my trust in Him.

So many want to pretend everything is OK and yet they work day and night to get their corrupt free will to be done., especially in the jesus Inc. franchises on most corners. No I don't go to them.

I don't fear those who can take my life. I fear the One who can both take my life and cast me into the fire that never ceases!

Every human has a free will. They can choose for or against any option presented to them. Therefor my opinion of their choice means nothing...especially to them! I, like them must weigh the choice and choose wisely! But first we must recognize that "free will" is the single most corrupted thing in mankind! And this dates back to day one, for it was Adam and Eve's corrupted free will that got them removed from the Garden! Corrupted human free will is the very heart of where wickedness works!

(No basket was passed and no songs were sung...)


Supporting Member
Ross County
If you "can careless what others do" why do you wat a poll ?
I got vaccinated to try and protect my family - at my age uhm circle n the drain but there not.

Some TOO members have said they got vaccinated and there are prolly " closet vaccinated" also.
Just a little curious what the potential number might be, that's all. Again, I suggested anonymous participation.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
I haven’t gotten vaccinated yet. I’m not against vaccines, I just don’t want to rush into it. We need to see what the side affects are going to be. I’ve already had the rona and it didn’t hit me hard at all…my wife on the other hand, she was real bad for over four weeks…even had to take her to the ER. If she decides to get vaccinated, I will stand by her decision. It’s an individual choice based on many factors that are different for each of us. I support everyone’s decision to get the vaccine but at the same time hope that I’m not forced to get it if I choose not to.