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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)

It sucks, that's basically how we got it the first time from the owner of the building we work at. This omnicron is very contagious from what my daughter has been seeing in the hospital. They are pretty much saying that it's just a matter of time of when you get it, not IF. That's if you come out of your house at all.
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It sucks, that's basically how we got it the first time from the owner of the building we work at. This omnicron is very contagious from what my daughter has been seeing in the hospital. They are pretty much saying that it's just a matter of time of when you get it, not IF. That's if you come out of your house at all.
Hell, they will deliver it to you!
herd immunity was the end goal from the start. Id feel there should be zero arguement that it hasnt been reached after these next few months.
I WISH that were the end goal! If a person has a lick of sense they would see that everyone has ulterior motives in this with regards to how they spin it to put themselves in a better position. Usually that boils down to, better money, more power or convenience!

As was stated above, nobody seems to care about anyone but themselves and their agendas. Certainly they don't think of their fellow man much. Everything everywhere is all about beggar thy neighbor!

Now I am speaking about generalities here and not specific individuals, though they know who they are. (thankfully I don't see much of that here in this forum, if at all, but your mileage may vary! I have nobody here in this forum in mind)

Like predators they pounce on every opportunity to gain.

I have to be transparent and say that I have not had angst over this the whole time. Not even when I got it from my fully vaxxed and boosted barber who appeared hung over but was asymptomatic nor when I in turn gave it to my wife. We simply continued to exercise caution on behalf of our fellow man and thus it ended with us. I didn't like it nor would I wish Delta on my worst enemy, but we dealt with it. Ivermectin and monochlonal antibodies helped, but as believers we both know we win regardless.

For those who have gone through it already, you fully understand. We delivered food and aid to those afflicted when we didn't have it and resumed when we were over it. We expected no such help from other while we were sick, yet one person did have a fruit and chocolate basket delivered. They both looked great and we were thankful, yet we couldn't tell you how they smelled or tasted...

For those who haven't had it yet, I hope you don't get it or fear it either! It may visit you, and if it does, put your faith in the Great Physican and not religion now and not in the medical complex.

For those who have lost time, energy wealth and health or lives to this pestilence, I share your pain.

A father of my best friend, who now sits idly by, unable to do much from his wheel chair thanks to a stroke he has had this year, used to say, " Mickey! I've seen it go bad for days...And then get worse!" My buddy is less than a month older then me and has a great attitude and thanks to friends and family got wheeled to a blind to hunt a few hours this rifle season, yet there to thanks to COVID I wasn't able to fulfill my promise to him to do that for him. Thankfully they were.

Till the next thing comes along, let's remind ourselves what Willie and Waylon came to understand about life?

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