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3 amigos and then some


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Tank 7 has showed back up after being gone for over a week.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Once again I was terrible about updating this thread. I hunted...wasn't seeing any deer. So I moved, still no deer. Moved again, found deer. Shot deer. Went back to work.

Now for the longer version that really needs to be told around a fire. I went hunting.

Now for details...stories have had me worried about shooting a 350 legend. I rushed the shot on the doe, BAD. The shot worked but I really got lucky. Ended up with a bang, flop. In the front shoulder thru the next bone. Now I'm in my head...disappointment in myself was settling in. I wasn't proud of the shot and really felt guilty for killing a doe in a spot that we really shouldn't be. But the land managers want them dead, so I continue to do my job.

Then I caught movement, it was a doe moving with a purpose. Then 2 more. 4th one ended up lifting his head and it was a buck! Oh shit, might want to raise the gun! I get on him and on the shooting stick. It is silent out and my excitement "MEH" startled him and that startled me. He stood tall looking at me. I guessed him 135-140 yards and settled in the moment. sqeeeeeze....BANG! He jumped and mule kicked. Ran off following the does. Trying to do the big leaps and it wasn't working out for him. Tail down I watched him run around the hillside. I instantly sat down and text @LonewolfNopack . We have had some talks and his best advice is to not push deer. Analyze the shot and what happened, do not pursue if you didn't see the deer drop. So he got the freshest of fresh replay of what happened. We probably would've found this deer today in the daylight, but that drone had his locked in in seconds. Amazing technology. He was able to give precise locations on both deer. Which I ended up needing. Can't find shit in grass over my head🤣. I was also able to be the first person to put a deer in the back of his side by side. So that was cool. Shot ended up being perfect and basically exactly where I said it was. Everything played out like talked about. Deer went just over 100 yards. 180 grain must hit different than the horror stories you hear. I still want a 450 tho.

Anyone that doesn't know what it's like walking in wet CRP in the rain...you have no idea the lifesaver the drone and Ranger ride was.

We are no longer out of venison in this house. The big bucks get another year. This guy was prime for pickings and I couldn't be happier to have him.

Let's not forget to laugh at your friends over gut piles either. Fuckers!


Active Member
Awesome an congrats to you guys! BTW I never had a deer tell me through their dead lips that the 350 wasn't enough , never had one tell me that from the 450 either. Personal preference honestly . I've had heart shot deer with the 450 run farther than lung shot deer from the 350 and also had heart shot deer from the 350 run farther than lung shots from the 450. Recoil and ammo is lesser on the 350 but 450 has a cool factor for sure. Next year I figure I'll be trying the 400 just because I'm an idiot and love playing with everything available because I can't help myself. Again congrats on the deer man!!!!