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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
All though i have not killed any thing yet with my 45-70 i 'am with frank when it comes to heavy bullets. I shoot a 405 grain hard cast gas check bullet using H-335 powder in my marlin and its a great load.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
357 is a bit light. 45-70 is plenty enough. Killing a deer dead with no follow up shot shouldn't be a problem with either if shot placement is good. Then again, same can be said for your bow.


*Supporting Member*
id get the 45/70 unless you are going to hand load. There are many more factory available loadings for the 45/70 vs 444 marlin. Unless you buy ammo online you probably wont find very many choices on for the 444 marlin on store shelves.

seems like with any of these guns, gunna have to be an online option only.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I would go with the 45-70 rifle as a 1st choice. As a 2nd choice the 44 mag rifle.
IMHO I would never recommend a 357 mag for deer hunting. Oh sure deer are killed with it but it's just too weak.
I'll say it again bigger and heavier is better. And I stand behind that.
You just can't over kill a animal but you surely can under kill a animal and it will die later. I'm not into that.

When Ohio went with handgun deer hunting about 25 yrs. ago there was a group of about 12 of us guys that went to SE Ohio deer hunting each year. We sat down and decided no one would hunt with us with a 357 Mag pistol. All of us used a 44 mag except one wimp used a 41 Mag. LOL on the 41 Mag. wimp comment.

P.S. on the 444 Marlin. I would stay away from it unless you reload as finding ammo is next to impossible.
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Staff member
What's the 45/70 Marlin run? I have always wanted a lever action rifle and now that you can hunt deer with them, I have an excuse to get one.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Sportsman's Den October flier


Would be some fun guns to throw some lead at deer. I enjoyed using the .30/30 in PA prior to the .30-06


*Supporting Member*
Jesse that is the boat I am in....seems like a good excuse to buy a gun. Plus with as accurate as they are, I wouldnt mine having a scope on one as well.

funny on another forum I was talking to guys about this, and they are mostly from the south so they can use rifles. all of them are so anti slug guns, they are like "throw that shit away, buy a rifle"

Ill mostly hunt with the bow anyways!


*Supporting Member*
The CVA's right below that caught my attention, I had no idea that CVA made a single shot in PCR calibers.

Ive been looking at those too. TC makes some nice ones, and HR makes them as well. Cheaper pricing on those, can put etra $$ towards nice scope and have a real tak driver!


I purchased 3 H&R Handi Rifles

One is .444 marlin and the other two are .357 Maximums(.357 mags reamed out). They all will do anything I want them to do. If I need something with more giddyup I'll use my muzzleloader.

I really wanted the .357 Max to have for my daughter-in-law to use instead of the 20 gauge slug gun. It is shooting a 180 gr bullet at 2100 FPS at around 1" at 100 yds with limited recoil. She will love it.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Here's a question.
My buddy asked can he shoot theseWinchester Ballistic Silvertips out of his 1895 Marlin 45-70. Will the ballistic tips foul or hurt the primer of the next round?
Here's a question.
My buddy asked can he shoot theseWinchester Ballistic Silvertips out of his 1895 Marlin 45-70. Will the ballistic tips foul or hurt the primer of the next round?

They should be fine. The nose of the bullet is round so there should be no problem to use in a lever action. The 1895 have deep cut ballard rifling it takes a lot to fowl it enough to effect acuraccy.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
They should be fine. The nose of the bullet is round so there should be no problem to use in a lever action. The 1895 have deep cut ballard rifling it takes a lot to fowl it enough to effect acuraccy.

Thanks for the response.

I just pulled the trigger on a purchase on a Marlin .444. With our new gun law for deer season, I can't wait to try it out!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I'm sticking with the old reliables for now, I've got access too a 45-70 if I feel the need....

Ron, looking forward too hearing the results of your sighting in.... Good luck too ya.....