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Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
I will soon Albert

However, my hunting club buddies have been buying the Marlin .444's left and right. Lol. Their shooting those things with pretty dang good accuracy. The groups that they are attaining are 2" at 130-150 yards and some have shot the same at 200 yards. Out of the 7 guns shot, none have shot poorly. To some of you, a 2" group might not sound impressive, but I would be very content with that. We are shooting the Hornady 265 gr. flex tips.
I have yet to put this gun to the test, but I will surly let you know if it performs as well as the others.


*Supporting Member*
I will soon Albert

However, my hunting club buddies have been buying the Marlin .444's left and right. Lol. Their shooting those things with pretty dang good accuracy. The groups that they are attaining are 2" at 130-150 yards and some have shot the same at 200 yards. Out of the 7 guns shot, none have shot poorly. To some of you, a 2" group might not sound impressive, but I would be very content with that. We are shooting the Hornady 265 gr. flex tips.
I have yet to put this gun to the test, but I will surly let you know if it performs as well as the others.

Dammit your making me want to pull the trigger on one! No pun intended! hahaha 150 yards, 2inch group, thatll do thatll do!


Junior Member
East Ohio
I have had a Marlin 444 since 1986 when I paid $150 for it. I also reload, so ammo is no problem as I bought up plenty of empty brass when i found it at gun shows or flea markets. I also have a trapdoor Springfield, 45/70 built in 1876, which I reload on the light side due to the age of the gun. Its advantage is an 18" bayonet to apply the coup de gras.


Junior Member
.444 is by far the best choice ya'll have with the 45-70 following after..both are a little overkill for deer but they get it done.
I'm from Louisiana where these two are considered primitive and can be used during what was muzzle loader as long as it is a single shot rifle (crazy right? they might as well just take away the "primitive" weeks and make them rifle). Anyway most guys used .444 with 45-70 running a close second until they approved .35 Whelen then everyone jumped on that but that one isn't an option in Ohio.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I wish the 35 Whelen was legal in Ohio as I have a TC Encore pistol barrel. And it's for sale with scope, brass, and bullets. I used the frame for a smokeless ML.


Junior Member
I will try to snap a pic and up load it tonight. The Hornady Leverevolution rounds seem to be working the best for me and I have been happy with them out to 100 yards.