Now for the important numbers!!!
4 packs of smoked sausages
5 packs of back straps
8 packs of steaks 6 per pack
10 packs of hot snack sticks
46 pounds of ground
View attachment 11317
That should do us for a while! :smiley_clap:
Your processor did a hell of a job. I gave up on all of them a long time ago!
Did you ever say what he dressed out at?
How did the sticks turn out Jesse?
Thankfully for those of you willing to read this novel, I have nothing left but the pictures. I hope you enjoyed reading my story and thanks for going along on my journey…
One final side note: This deer posed in front of one of my cheap Covert trail cameras Saturday night when he reared up on his hind legs to thrash the licking branches over his scrape. He also struck a fantastic pose in front of it Sunday morning with the raising sun illuminating his presence; an image that would have been one of the best trail cam pictures I have ever recorded. Unfortunately, and very painfully for me, the camera never triggered and I am left without what were sure to have been some classic pictures of this buck. When I returned to the stand Sunday evening after discovering this, I brought one of my SpyPoints with me and hung it over the scrape. That camera only snapped one series of pictures, but I was left with an indelible image the shows how I felt post shot and when I first laid eyes on him after the shot. I guess this will have to work…
I noticed this when I first saw it the day you posted your story but forgot all about it till now. Notice in the last pic where you're celebrating in front of your TC the whitish color your camo is. Mike Rex showed me a similar pic on his phone and was going to elaberate more on it but somehow he got sidetracked when the discussion switched over to talking about big bucks. Lol
It's apparent the UV brighteners are for real and I wonder if we tip the deer off more than we know because of this?
I noticed this when I first saw it the day you posted your story but forgot all about it till now. Notice in the last pic where you're celebrating in front of your TC the whitish color your camo is. Mike Rex showed me a similar pic on his phone and was going to elaberate more on it but somehow he got sidetracked when the discussion switched over to talking about big bucks. Lol
It's apparent the UV brighteners are for real and I wonder if we tip the deer off more than we know because of this?