OK Taylor, I found this for you. Hope this helps some.
There is a dead squirrel under my car where it's been parked since I got home last night... I noticed it this afternoon while sitting on the porch. My and my babies went to investigate and it didn't appear to be squashed as if I ran it over....?! Sooooo.... I'm wondering what the symbology behind it could be...?
Thank you so much!
Tree Pruitt wrote:
That's what I would call a "temporary totem" or an animal messenger, which is an animal that serves the role of delivering a message, rather than being an "omen". When an animal, dead or living, catches your attention in some way it often holds meaning for the person who saw the creature. Dogs deal with loyalty, faithfulness, service, friendship, and other descriptives. I would take a guess that there's an area of your girlfriends life where she either has, or needs to, allow some aspect of herself to "die" out. Perhaps she's too loyal to a crappy job and needs to move on. Maybe it's time to end a damaging friendship or she is about to be blind sided by a big change in a relationship (if the dog seemed to have been hit by a car). Compare the aspects of the experience against what it might mean within her life. Dogs get hit all the time; why did THIS dog stand out in her mind??? Her subconscious will know, but may just need a kick to get things moving in the direction of right action.