So you are saying that a group of hunters in a 2 square mile area have no impact on the quality and number of deer that are available? Obama is supposed to be running this country too, but we all know how that is going. I'm not going to rely on the DNR to provide me with a deer. The deer herd in the mid 90's was about 1/3 what it is now and we got along just fine back then.
Yest they do.. My point is good luck convincing all of them not to shoot deer...
It may not be the hunters "job" per say, but it is reality and the way things are and will always be. If I were you I wouldn't be telling your theory of button bucks and their travel patterns to your neighbors......maybe that's why you are having a hard time killing an antlered buck....your neighbors all believe their button bucks don't matter so they kill them, leaving you with no bucks to shoot the following years.
I'm having a hard time "killing them", not "finding them" bud.. I consistently see 2-3 shooter bucks (140+) from the stand a couple times a season.. However luck is a whore.
Bottom line is if you kill button bucks then you guarantee your chance of killing a nice buck down the road reduces tenfold! Of all people I can't believe that you don't put 2 and 2 together to see that bucks travel greater distances during the pre rut and rut.......therefore the button bucks that you shot this year could be dispersed bucks that could magically show up back on your lease 3-5 years down the road and be mature, but nope that's not going to happen because they are veal in your freezer when they are a mere 6 months old.
Are you gonna sit there an tell me that in one year shooting 29% too many does, has less of an impact than shooting a BB that has about a 6% chance of making it to a 3.5 yo is somehow less impactful... Killing too many does lowers you future buck poplation FAR worse than the BB harvest. If you have 2 does 1 of them has a 50/50 chance of throwing twin BBs.. If you kill her.. You not only killed those two, you killed any future ones she is going to throw. Couple that out to harvest numbers increasing massively for 3 years, and in your case 29% in one year.. Assuming your buck kill stayed the same as we can only shoot 1. That 29% increase was 99% does i bet.. following the 50% throw bucks logic. You just killed 14% of next years BBs this year.. In one season.. And that's only if they all throw single BBs and not twins. Say half of 14% throw twins.. You just killed 22% of next years BBs. Which one has a bigger impact bud.. Killing too many does is bad All around.. period.
Theory or not, I don't shoot button bucks for ANY reason and neither do any of the serious hunters around here that I know. There is always a chance that one of them might just grow up and be something special if given the chance. What happens if you get permission 5 miles down the road next year? Damn, there could of been a couple more bucks on that farm but somebody must have already killed them with nubs on their heads!
Look at the big picture, you kill button bucks, they will never grow bone.
Look at the big picture.. You kill 29% extra does, you just killed 24% of next years button buck fawns..
And by what you said about moving Ohio's buck limit to 4, well basically that's already what is happening when guys like yourself kill button bucks at will.
And by shooting too many does, people around you are killing far far more than that.