Hand me $5000. Go rent a boat when you need it. You'll be money ahead. Follow me for more "how to increase Phil's retirement account tips." 
Good luck. Sounds like good input. I don't know squat about boats, but I'm curious what they do on interest rates. Sales manager at local Ford dealer told my wife the best he could do was 6.5-7% on a like new (but used) Bronco. Not sure if he could do better on new or not.
@Bigcountry40 Greasy Chuck.

Good luck. Sounds like good input. I don't know squat about boats, but I'm curious what they do on interest rates. Sales manager at local Ford dealer told my wife the best he could do was 6.5-7% on a like new (but used) Bronco. Not sure if he could do better on new or not.
@Bigcountry40 Greasy Chuck.