I'm kicking your ass at Stroud's fuggerAngry giant... Chill out homo, I'll bring you a bag of fish dicks. Damn
I'm kicking your ass at Stroud's fuggerAngry giant... Chill out homo, I'll bring you a bag of fish dicks. Damn
I'm kicking your ass at Stroud's fugger
I know a few things your good at, Brian told me[emoji23]Good luck with that, I ain't real good at a bunch of things...
That's so aggressive. Save it for Mizzou. lmao
I knew it! Chad did get those high heel boots to match Jesse's purse for Missouri.lol
So aggressive !
I kinda feel sorry for Jesse.
Reaching things on the top shelf...Good luck with that, I ain't real good at a bunch of things...
Reaching things on the top shelf...
Reaching things on the top shelf...
Did you piss some people off, Dave?
Have fun!I haven't fished in a couple days...3 hour drive ahead of me! Taking The Wife with me!!!