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Are you ready for the weekend!!


Active Member
Gonna be 81 in Athens. Think I’ll sit this one out.

Not in the morning. I know it's taboo for some folks to hunt early season mornings, but I have a public spot with a lot of mid-morning doe traffic that I know will get pressured hard into later portions of the year. I've killed two does from that spot in the first week of the season, had another doe a step from being shot when she winded me, and last year I passed two 2.5 year old bucks there opening morning. I'll probably be in there tomorrow morning.


Senior Member
I've been looking forward to this season for much longer than usual. I don't get too excited about the beginning of the season anymore. I'm happy to be on the prowl again and looking forward to some much needed meditation time. Good luck deer hunters. May the wind be ever in your favor.