Well Jesse, really it doesn't matter. We've said that the buck population hasn't appeared to show a decline. So Long as that remains true, why would rex care. I mean. When was the last time you saw him post a doe he shot?
Actually if you look, the only people who show opposition to this whole thing are the ones who shoot big deer on a semi consistent or consistent basis. Obviously if that we're the case personally, you wouldn't think the system works fine also. If you're accomplishing your goal as a buck hunter year after year, you would think the odnr is doing a fantastic job.. Does be dammed. Less does just means the bucks move more.. Win win for them.
Now for the other 95% of ohio that doesn't have the property capable of holding the genetics or age to produce such deer so they enjoy seeing and killing plain old deer.. Well, they just suck. Dumb pleasure hunters anyhow.[/QUOTE]
I guess I am in the minority then by thinking odnr is doing a fantastic job then...
I for one could care less how many doe mrex has killed in his lifetime. I still can not figure out why the people that are not "seeing" deer can have time to sit on the computer and complain about it. Get out there and find them.
Another thing... I hear guys complaining about low deer #'s but yet they have killed 2 or 3 doe... Well let me think about this... 2x2 is 4, 3x2 is 6 and 3x3 is 9??? But yet I hear all the time that's just a drop in the bucket, well add it up. Gotta have meat in the freezer...lol
I'm sure this is gonna upset a lot of people but when I read statements like this after all the time that me and my buddy put into deer hunting it gets to me. Running around all the time, getting in fights with the wives, getting up at 5 every morning to go look around, knocking on doors and asking people all the time for permission to hunt and $$$ put in to it.. I've never had a buck run up to me yelling shoot me, shoot me,shoot me... No I haven't had a bad day ether... :smiley_chinrub: