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As my wife says...Gun Porn!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I could run out of pictures pretty quickly at this pace, but here is another for CJD. Gotta help him stay alive when the boredom kicks in. lol

Thanks ! Looks like its in good shape too.!
I can't tell... Do you have one of those adapters on the hammer that sticks out for cocking it due to the scope or not?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
How do you like that Bersa, CJD3?

Shoots and feeds ammo well but I don't use it for a carry gun. I love the size and weight of the 380 but not the ballistics.
God willing I never have to defend my family or myself but if I do, It'll be with a 45.


*Supporting Member*
Nothing fancy, just a little wood.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
To be honest Jim, I have never fired that one. I have 4 rifles and 2 pistols in 22cal. I picked this one up because I liked it. Haven't had a reason to use it yet. Usually I am so busy that if I am shooting I am dialing in a scope or hunting. Haven't squirrel hunted in years. So basically, I just grab the 17hmr for groundhogs and a 223 for yotes. There are some neglected guns in there. I do get them out and wipe them down with an oiled rag a couple times a year, but they are still neglected.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
To be honest Jim, I have never fired that one. I have 4 rifles and 2 pistols in 22cal. I picked this one up because I liked it. Haven't had a reason to use it yet. Usually I am so busy that if I am shooting I am dialing in a scope or hunting. Haven't squirrel hunted in years. So basically, I just grab the 17hmr for groundhogs and a 223 for yotes. There are some neglected guns in there. I do get them out and wipe them down with an oiled rag a couple times a year, but they are still neglected.

For shame!



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
For shame!


I was just being honest Charles. Those old Model 39A Golden Mountie rifles are a history lesson. If they could talk, buddy each one would have some stories. I should just move it to someone that can enjoy it more, but it will most likely be a safe queen unless we have several people going to the range and I am supply the guns and ammo. Don't foresee that happening though.
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Junior Member
Had some issues with my S&W 686 .357 mag. It had an action job years ago. After 1000’s of rounds I have been having some mis-fires. I did a little work on it and wanted to test it out. I fired 70 rounds both single and double action. Slow and rapid fire double action. Every round went off perfect.

A little dirty but still porn! That is a pile of the cast bullets as they come out of the bullet trap. Ready to melt, cast and fly again.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Very Cool Buckrun. Dang, I wanna go bunny hunten now!

Saw your B trap. Very cool as well.

Thanks for the porn! The 357 looks like a gun should after some fun!

In fact we don't seem to have many shots of "dirty guns"... hummmm

O Beentown...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I was about to hit the sack and thought...hmm. That looks photo worthy. Added two more mags in the mix and took a pic...



Junior Member
Beentown is that a Springfield XD? I have fallen in love with pictures of the XDM but every time I get to see one in person I just can't go through with buying one. They are so thick and big.

I convince myself to stick with the 1911. I may get a Commander model 1911.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
If you like carrying a single stack (read:thin) firearm then 95% of all polymers are going to "feel" fat. I have an XD and a XDM both in 9mm. I have or have had Glocks, Smiths, HK's, etc.... but the XD is my favorite and the most accurate in my hands. I wear it at least 10 hours a day and have no issues. I contribute me being able to carry larger firearms to a good holster and a great belt. The Wilderness Tactical Instructors belt is the "bee knees" ;)

FWIW the Kahr PM9 is going to be the next pony in the stable for me. Compact, thin and reasonably priced.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I was about to hit the sack and thought...hmm. That looks photo worthy. Added two more mags in the mix and took a pic...


Very nice addition !
Love the "real world" shot of the night stand.

Yes. The carry holster quality will make a big difference as to ocasional carry or every day.