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As you get older


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Let's see. Both my knees are shot. Blew out my left knee while in Montana and the right knee just being young and dumb lol. Right shoulder I just had rebuilt and the left shoulder has been screwed up since middle school again being young and dumb. 3 bad discs in my back with one at each level. The worst is lower back and have had 3 injections for the tear in the disc. I have a bald spot on top of my head, hair growing everywhere else that it shouldn't be. High blood pressure started a year ago but not high enough for meds yet. Headaches that mess with my vision to the point I can't hardly see. Gout flare ups over the last few years. My gut is bloated more times then not making it push on my diaphragm sometimes making it hard to catch my breath. Had every tooth in my head pulled about 5 years ago. Just got to the point where I was losing more money then it was worth to save the ones I had and with 3 kids they needed that money more do I cut my losses. My right hand is beat to death and I now sport a huge knot on my middle finger middle knuckle. Left index finger I can only feel half of from almost cutting it off at work once. I am now starting to have changes with eyesight. It's not bad since I just hit the 20/25 list and went ahead and got glasses for driving at night if I want to put them on. Really doesn't give me much of a fit unless it's dark and raining or dark and snowing. Acid reflux and a heart electrical problem I was born with that causes issues the older I get. Forgot about my thyroid that decided to stop working right when I was 32 causing me to gain 70lbs.lol

I think that's about it. Pretty messed up for only 38 huh. Feel lucky my friends because it can be worse. I haven't taken care of myself very well and always put family first so now I'm trying to make up for lost time. Being young and stupid didn't help as much of that has caught up with me now too.
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The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Yea and then some of the posts reminds me of other injury's I have had. Forgot about broken ribs, once playing softball and another time from sneezing.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Yea and then some of the posts reminds me of other injury's I have had. Forgot about broken ribs, once playing softball and another time from sneezing.

That reminds me, I bruised 2 ribs way back when thinking I could be a ninja and walk across the top of a wooden fence. Made it 80' and turned around to start back and made it about another 10' before I slipped and ran my ribs right down the side of that fence lol. I also have had my share of stitches. Ripped my bottom lip off of my jaw and had 12 stitches on the inside of my bottom lip to reattach it to my jaw, Broken nose, black eye, messed up my left shoulder, top front tooth thru my top lip all in the same stunt lol. Good scar on my right calf from a barbwire fence that should have had stitches for but being a cool guy I liked the scar better lol. 3 stitches in my scalp after a cousin hit me with a railroad track rock when we was younger.

You guys know what the funniest thing is? Thinking something happened just 5-6 years ago and then really thinking about it and finding out it was more like 20-25 years ago lmao.

Yup, I agree, I have no idea how the hell I am still alive pulling the stupid shit I did. Not many 15 year old kids have outrun the local PD that had brand new cruisers while on a dirt bike I bet lol. Lets just say, they were not happy with me when I did it lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Junior year in football... game 2 vs Youngstown South... back to pass, getting ready to throw, two guys hit me in the back, one in the front. Thought I had the wind knocked out of me and I got back in the huddle. Ran one more play and then woke up in the hospital. Ended up with broken ribs and a collapsed lung. Guess I just ran out of oxygen while on the field. LOl

Yeah, I still feel that rib injury when I sit a certain way.