Ok I read the ehd thing and it said signs of depression, I'm sorry I found that funny, lol what does a depressed deer look like? And it also said deer can live for a month with the disease, i bet they are looking bad if they last that long
That is the point that i was trying to make...
I am hoping we have some biologist online that will help answer this.. I know im not eating it. I know southern counties are more suceptible to it, but im not eating it. I'll donate it
That like when a buddy pulls a old nasty sandwich out of his frig and offers it to you.lol If you're not going to eat it, you shouldn't expect anyone else too.
Well not sure how many people saw salt fork when it hit in 2005 and 2007, but i did and the number of deer dead and/or floating around salt fork looked like bouys floating everywhere... It was a very bad year. BAD...
I just hope being this late in the year that the numbers wont be as bad... The BS with the insurance companies pressuring the DNR to keep raising the limits aren't helping either.... JMTC..
It was bad in 2005 here as well. My thoughts are it wasn't as severe as either '05 or '07. However when it gets dry like it did, it's pretty much when, not if in some areas and how bad will it be. It's something we'll deal with pretty consistently with these summers we have been having.