Its more for people spending big money, denny. If you start your live cams it might be worth it. First step is buying an old gravity wagon. Odds are, your local farmer has one he doesn't want/need anymore. Offer to buy it and also offer him to fill it at spot market that day. Just don't fill it with wet corn and you will be good for a while. Create a relationship with that guy. Keep everything local and everyone wins.
There are two big farms right next door to me. Sure, one of the owners will let me shoot up all their coyotes for'em because he wants the deer healthy and safe for his son, but to hunt that same property to perhaps help him out to minimize deer corp-damage, forget it. I stand a better chance of getting struck by lighting, twice, than to get his permission to hunt his hundreds, if not thousands of acres of prime hunting grounds for deer.
I've offered to help the guy out with other kinds of stuff as well, and not just for an exchange of hunting permission either, but just to be neighborly and nice. I just know the guy could use a little bit of help from time to time because I see'em just about everyday busting his tail off.
Basically, what I am getting at, there are those that either really want the help or simply don't care either way, and then there are those that want you to stay completely the hell away for the most part.
I just happen to have one of each nearby. The one that allows me to hunt, is more a business type of guy than a farmer that truly understands the value of managing wildlife species on his property that he really can not do for himself. The other, well, he's definitely more hard headed, but still a real nice guy, with all that beautiful land that he owns, and he does bitch about all the deer just about every time I've talk to him. He only allows one person to deer hunt it, which is his adult son that lives completely far off someplace else.
Hey, I get it, it's his land, and he can do whatever the hell he wants with it. I do appreciate the fact that he does allow me coyote hunt it because the place is just thick full of'em, but man, he also has a shit ton of some outstanding deer over there too.
IDK, I guess I'll still keep trying to work with the guy and see what happens. It would be convenient and perhaps cheaper for me to see if he's willing to sell me some of his corn too. He sure does harvests hundreds and hundreds of acres of it, every year.
I suppose I'll ask him when I get over there for my next coyote hunt if he's willing to sell me a truck load of his corn because he drives right by my place hundreds of times each fall with that old box truck of his that often breaks down along the side of the road, just full of it.
I always wave 'high' to him each time I see him at the road driving by, usually while I'm heading out for another deer hunt. So, we'll see what happens and I'll report back if I am successful with him in getting some of his corn.
What's also funny, his wife one day offered to me to go ahead and deer hunt the place, but I knew she must have been mistaken because I was telling her that I was there to do a coyote hunt, not to deer hunt. I never mentioned that to her husband either, which I knew better not too.
Anyhow, like I said, we'll see what happens here over the course of the next couple of months. I do have every intensions of taking care of the deer that are closets to my place though, as best as I can. I just know that most, if not all of the mature bucks in the area are right now over on that farmer's property that no one else gets to hunt, but his son, and he does not always hunt it every year either. Oh yeah, life is good!