That's a major kick in the dick Mike. Hate to see it.
Figure I'll finish my JV season update. We finished 11-6-1 which really pisses me off and makes me feel like the season was a failure. We played two straight head up ass games tying Logan in 8 and losing to Athens on Tuesday. My guys got the big head and it bit them in the ass. I still had fun overall and can't wait to do it again. I'm still helping varsity as along as that lasts and our adult league starts on Sunday. Still lots of baseball to be had this summer!
Figure I'll finish my JV season update. We finished 11-6-1 which really pisses me off and makes me feel like the season was a failure. We played two straight head up ass games tying Logan in 8 and losing to Athens on Tuesday. My guys got the big head and it bit them in the ass. I still had fun overall and can't wait to do it again. I'm still helping varsity as along as that lasts and our adult league starts on Sunday. Still lots of baseball to be had this summer!