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Baseball Journal


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That sucks Cotty to lose key players like that. I lost 5 seniors to graduation, one of which was co-player of the year in our division. Those 5 all hit in the top 6 of my lineup and drove in almost 80% of our runs. It will be tough enough to replace those 5 and now I'm hearing my only two seniors coming back this year may not play. My leftfielder is talking about skipping this season to "enjoy" his last semester of high school. The other one is my rightfielder and his grades suck and he's been getting into trouble with drinking so he may not even be eligible. I could be looking at having to replace 7 starters from last years team.

The part I highlighted in bold is just an excuse for being lazy. These kids have no idea how much they will regret not playing everything they could while in HS.

I always like the "I'm going to concentrate on one sport". Yet, that same kid does nothing in the offseason to better himself in that one sport.


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
The part I highlighted in bold is just an excuse for being lazy. These kids have no idea how much they will regret not playing everything they could while in HS.

I always like the "I'm going to concentrate on one sport". Yet, that same kid does nothing in the offseason to better himself in that one sport.

I agree. For some dumb reason I decided not play soccer my Junior year. I honestly don't remember my reasoning so that tells you how dumb it was. The team went all the way to the finals and I was in the stands watching it. I did play my senior year but I didn't earn my way back in to the starting lineup until halfway through the season. It was the only season I skipped in high school, I tell my kids of all the memories I have have from high school sports that is the one I remember the most. The year I didn't play.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
He did. A great pro. Too bad he was a fuggin Yankee.

Not many guys play a whole career in one spot. Gotta love that. Of course, the Yanks got the money to keep guys.

I've always respected Jeter's game. Especially in the playoffs. He always seemed to really turn it on in pressure situations.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Kind of a shitty day for the Buccos. AJ Burnett, who had a large hand in turning the Pirates around, took the money and ran to Philly. Stinks, but I'm thankful for what he did for the Pirates. According to reports, his wife is from Baltimore and wanted him to sign there. I suppose Philly is close enough. Plus, the 16 mil he will get for one year helps too. Lol

Pirates offered him 8 mil... what would you do? IMO, he's not worth what the Phils paid, but whatever.


Staff member
He did. A great pro. Too bad he was a fuggin Yankee.

Not many guys play a whole career in one spot. Gotta love that. Of course, the Yanks got the money to keep guys.

I've always respected Jeter's game. Especially in the playoffs. He always seemed to really turn it on in pressure situations.

Agreed. I hate the Yankees as much as the next guy, but Jeter was a ball player and I respect the hell out of him for that. He's the last of an era that's for sure...
Had my son's second practice for Little League minors last night. Was mayhem as we had boys and girls from pitching machine, minors and majors. This weekend my daughter has 3 games Sat. and 3 Sun. at the community college with girls from her high school teams. Gonna be a busy Spring!!


Senior Member
Baseball signups began last night. Round 1 of 3 signups.

We had 49 boys sign up last night K-8.

We expect 200 by the end of signups.

I'm expecting to head coach the coach pitch team, grades 2 & 3, provided they allow my son to move up. Tball is not challenging enough for him; so if permitted he'll play with the bigger boys.

Also signed up my daughter for year 1 of kid pitch softball.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Jesse, to use a line my brother always uses... "you only need 4 good ones out of each class". If you think about it, by the time these freshman are ready to play varsity it makes sense. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have a very strong class, but it only happens once in a blue moon. If you have 4 solid seniors and 4 solid juniors you are still in pretty good shape. Stay positive man. Enjoy the game.


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
Jesse, to use a line my brother always uses... "you only need 4 good ones out of each class". If you think about it, by the time these freshman are ready to play varsity it makes sense. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have a very strong class, but it only happens once in a blue moon. If you have 4 solid seniors and 4 solid juniors you are still in pretty good shape. Stay positive man. Enjoy the game.

Agreed. If you can get four kids from each class who like the game and can play a little you'll be in decent shape.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Things aren't looking good for multiple reasons. One, this next snow storm is going to really push back the first time we will have a chance to get outside. Of course, everyone is in the same boat.

Two, I already mentioned that our returning firstbaseman and leading run producer decided to be a lazy ass and not come out. Now, a sophomore who was a leading candidate to be our SS decided he's a basketball star (averaged 9 points a game) and is going to "concentrate on basketball". He's 5'8" and white. Whatever...

So, on our varsity roster, with our returning secondbaseman out for the season with a torn labrum, we have 2 possible middle infielders. I'm desperately hoping one of the freshman step up and turn some heads, but it's not looking good as of right now.

So, Jesse... my hopes of meeting you in the regional this year vanished quickly. At this point I figure about 4 wins. Lol

Good news is we have all of our arms back from last year. Bad news is I have no idea who's going to field the ball behind them.

Regardless, I will continue to bust my ass and theirs and try to put out the best product possible. We shall see...


Staff member
We won't make it that far either!

Our field is still torn apart and we will not be able to step foot on it until mid-April at the earliest. That means we will be playing home games that will require bus rides to local fields. Something that could have easily been avoided had anyone in our entire administration had a damn clue what they were doing. Not to mention we hired a fly-by-night company to do the work.

Our head coach is a PC, group huge, pussified teacher of today. When I was in school, he was a hard ass. So we are not making cuts and the reason being, his kid is a freshman and SUCKS. We have 18 freshman, 10 need cut. There are seriously 7 kids right now that can't catch or throw. I nearly lose my mind every time I work with them. The older group is not focused like they should be and because I've been handicapped by "pussy rules" I can't get their attention. It may happen tomorrow as I'll be the only coach there and will have all the older kids. They say they want to compete for a state title and we have the talent, but they don't show it in their work ethic. I'm not a slave driver either, rather lead by example. I may be the hardest working person there! :smiley_blackeye:
Ouch, now that's a bad hand to be dealt as a coach there Cotty!

Tomorrow is draft day for our local Little League. With my son moving up to the minors level and the other boys we have to choose from I think we will have a pretty good team. Likely only enough kids for 2 teams in his age group which sucks in comparison to other years. Quite a few dropping off after the machine pitch for some reason and a few that should have been 2nd year minors.

March 10 is the start for tryouts day for my daughter on her Varsity/JV teams. Her being a freshman this is all new to us even though she has been through many tryouts with travel ball over the years. Cannot believe all of the politics in HS ball as it sounds like we might be in the middle of it since she is so experienced going up against older kids that should stick to rec. ball. Will be interesting for sure. Still fun to see her get accepted so well by some of the older girls that do recognize how good she really is though.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Jesse, do your thing man! Coach your style. If the head guy doesn't like it, F him. The kids will respect you more if you impose the discipline they need to achieve more.

One other thing I forgot to mention, I posted the list of who made the team yesterday morning. One of the sophomores I cut has a crazy ass mom. I knew she'd be calling me at some point yesterday. Around 1:00 the call came and she cussed me out. I finally just said, "ma'am, what do you want me to do? You want me to put him back on the team because you called eventhough he has no business being on a baseball field?"
She said, "no".
I asked, "then why are you calling me?"
She went silent for a couple seconds... "I hate this fucking school!" Click

Lmao! She hung up on me. Dang, does this mean I won't get a Christmas card?