Baseball, baseball, baseball! Busy as hell. My summer team, which is made up of kids who aren't quite ready for legion, but will be returning to either my varsity or jv next year, has been playing a full schedule all June.
Every once in awhile they're short players due to vacations or other sport camps, so Kody and Klay have been filling in. The team is made up of kids going into 10th and 11th grade. Kody is going into 9th and Klay is entering the 8th. They've held their own and have contributed both offensively and defensively.
Their pony league has just wrapped up and they begin all star play this weekend in Boardman. Kody is the catcher and Klay plays Ss/2b while also becoming a solid pitcher.
I'm their worst critic, but I'm also very proud of them. Both have been stroking the ball pretty consistently. Kody has thrown quite a few runners out and is becoming a solid back stop. Klay is just an aggressive player that gets after it.
Katie finished up her coach pitch season losing in the championship game by one run. She had a blast! The only girl on her team, yet they batted her 6th and she held her own.
Love watching them play.
Good luck to all of you and your kids continuing tourney play or just getting in to the tournaments as post season all star players.
I'll leave ya with one pic of Kody smacking a double earlier this season.
Katie cracking a single
Klay turning on one with me in the background on the bucket.