We have a rare day off today after two DH's at WVU stadium in a round robin wooden bat tournament.
Things are going as expected. The boys are doing a lot of watching, but getting valuable experience from some seasoned veterans and they're a part of a very good team that's winning games against great competition.
They've been sprinkled in as subs here and there and I'm fine with it. They're having fun and that's what matters most.
They just need to stay patient. This team loses a lot of guys next year. Pay your dues...
Klay played a few innings here and there in Lf and was used as a courtesy runner for the catcher as a speed up rule since the games had time limits. He was in the bullpen one game and was close to coming in before the pitcher got out of a jam. He almost got a crack at the plate as well but a DP ended the inning while he was on deck in the 7th.
Kody caught a few innings and went 1-1 with a single.
Here's some pics from WVU stadium and of Katie keeping score in Gamechanger.