I was expecting a picture of a crossbow.
I've been re-evaluating my shooting form almost non-stop for the last two years, since I got past my neck/shoulder problem and got busy shooting again. My neck/shoulder problem was caused by my work, a repetitive use injury, but had terrible consequences for my shooting. Not only did the pain and weakness from that problem rob me of drawing strength, but it caused me to develop some bad habits while I struggled to keep shooting. I've been working hard to correct them, and have made some real progress, but I've got a long way to go to get back to where I was 10 years ago, or as close as I can. Time not on my side now.
I've been shooting, at least a little bit, nearly every day for the last two months. 45lbs is a great bow weight for me to work on form and technique with as it is very easy for me to handle. shooting this light bow regularly for a few weeks has revealed quite a lot about my form, both good and bad. my form has improved and my strength is returning quickly. neck problem not aggravated at all by all of the shooting I've been doing lately. gives me hope that I can build back up to a more suitable bow weight for hunting.
while I was mulling over Brocks' advice and attempting to asses my own form (again/still) I discovered two important things; one is that my shoulder alignment is correct. the other has turned into such a monumental (and somewhat embarrassing) revelation that I can barely believe how much it improved my shooting immediately. I've been shooting traditional bows very seriously and exclusively since 1987. hard to admit that I've been doing such a simple and fundamental thing incorrectly the whole time. I can barely stop shooting because I'm so amazed by how much doing this one little thing differently affects my shot consistency. I do believe that I've found my key to better shooting. I just need to train myself to make it a habit that I don't have to think about on every shot.
shooting more has inspired me to get back in the shop, working in the shop has inspired me to shoot more now that I can physically do it and enjoy myself. this particular new bow is a product of that inspiration. I must say that I'm liking the hybrid bulbous/locator grip more every time I send an arrow, and this bow is a shooter. smooth, quiet, stable, and good cast for it's weight. everything a fellow could want in a hunting bow. I'm sure my mentor bowyer is turning over in his grave as he always viewed putting sculpted handles on wooden bows as some sort of fiberglass recurve envy. sacrilege. I see it as ushering in potential improvements to an already proven, trusted design. time will tell. after narrowing the nocks, making some minor corrections to the tiller, and shooting quite a bit the weight is 51lbs at my draw. I'll do the minimum sanding to try and keep it at 50lbs when done. I taped a temporary leather rest on as I wanted to really shoot this thing seriously today.