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Behind the House Version 2.0


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Well, the streak of new bucks continues. Got pictures of all the previous bucks, better pics of the ten from yesterday morning, and a new nine showed up last night, each biggger than the last. I am positive I have video and pics of the Big Sixx and Short Tine Ten from last year, and Claw looks very similar the the Big Ten from last year. At least he has the same genes.

Big Sixx

Short Tine Ten

Big Sixx, Claw



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice to see new bucks show up before the season. I haven't had tons of activity in awhile. Some but not tons. Velvet drops, the bs stops I guess. They have a new mission now.


Senior Member
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Southeast Ohio
Well, Kate wanted me to ask for permission to hunt the farm that borders the field the camera is in (to the right in the pictures). I told her that if she was going to get into this seriously, that she should work up the nerve and ask herself, so tonight she did just that. Spent about 45 minutes talking with out neighbor, and walked out with permission for the both of us! She said she was nervous as hell and sweating like crazy, but she managed. I'm proud of her, cause asking permission is no easy task. With everyone else around us giving us permission , we now have over 300 acres surrounding the house to hunt, as well as 250+ acres not five minutes down our township road.

On a side note, after watching some of JD's trail camera videos, I decided to set the BEC up in video mode. I will go out in the morning to check it out and see how it did. I know my video's won't be as impressive as his, but I'm excited to see them. Tune in tomorrow!
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I tell you what buddy, you may have just found your Ace in the Hole! Think about it... how many landowners are approached by female hunters asking for permission? My guess would be nearly zero. Soooooo, you send a good looking woman there, with a great personality, and I bet your rate of success for gaining new ground would increase ten-fold! I know if I were a landowner, I would have a more difficult time saying "No" to a woman than I would to Average Joe Hunter.

Aside from that thought, I'm glad to hear you've gained so much access near your new home. That's got to feel pretty good going into this season knowing you've got plenty of options in front of you. I'm sure it will pay off.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
After you see the series of pictures I am about to post you are going to be wondering why I haven't set mine up in video yet also. Stay tuned! Nice bucks too and tell Kate she should be proud of herself!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Thanks Phil and Jim. I'm paitently waiting to see the pics Phil! Jim, I have often thought about playing that "ace," but I have never had any issues getting permission down here. Usually, if we are looking for new land to hunt, We go together and I do the talking. If I hadn't been working tonight, I would have went with her, but I wanted to see how she would handle it. It was funny to listen to her tell the story. At one point, she told him that she would be back up to have permission slips signed, and he said, "what, my word isn't good enough?" She said she didn't know what to say, and was fumbling for an answer when he started laughing at her. He knew she needed written permission.

It will be nice being able to walk out the back door and head off to hunt, without having to fire the atv up, or load everything in the truck.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
That's great news on the new hunting prop. Greg! Now she knows we all feel when we rap on them doors. Congrats to you and especially her for locking it up for you both. Goodluck this fall and thanks for sharing the pic's. Can't wait to see more.:smiley_bril:


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Well, they continue to make an appearance nightly. Pictures and video from the last three days:

Click on the image for video

Click on the image for video

The next three are from Thursday night

These are from last night. All three on Camera!



The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
Good deal and I think she is your ace in the hole. You guys may have to come up here fishing this spring so she can get me some new ground.

I really like that six with the crab claw. If it did not have that claw I would kill that sucker. That is a heck of a six!!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Despite the number of pictures being cut in half the past few days, I still managed to get two new bucks on camera. Nothing special, but both of them have great potential!



Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Thanks fellas. I won't be hunting til tomorrow, as I promised Kate it was all about her this weekend. Everything just about came together for her this morning. We hadn't seen much activity Saturday, and were hoping this morning would be better with cooler temperatures. About 8, I catch movement along the edge of the field and tell her to stand up and get ready. The young ten from the last pictures I posted and one of the spikes came right down the field edge and turned into the woods where we walked in, coming right towards us. At the point where they entered the woods, they were only 25yards, and the young ten worked to within 8yards, stopping broadside. I thought she was going to get fill her tag on her second morning out, but she had no shot. There was one limb that was covering all of the deers vitals. We just had to watch as he turned around and wandered off in the opposite direction. Afterwords, she said she wasn't even nervous. I was shaking like hell for her! Hoping she will get another opportunity this evening. We will see...

Picture 5 minutes before he came through...