Caught that one the other day.Remember Chad coon season is out now. Easy boy!
Caught that one the other day.Remember Chad coon season is out now. Easy boy!
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I walk about 2 miles every day checking snares and traps. Haven't had much luck lately but at least I have this nice view. Had a fuggin yote miss a snare today.
Fugger went around it. I should of blocked it off at the snare to begin with. I put some briars around it today so they have to go in it.It go under or around it?
Oh ya, he took off across the frozen pond.That's pretty cool. So I take it you released him?
HopefullyYou might see a few more now that your getting rid of those yotes
Yep, as much as I'd love to have a full mount of a grey fox I don't think I could of killed it if it was in season. Maybe if there was more around but there isn't that many.One of my favorte animals,they are so cool looking.
I couldn't tell ya, I've never trapped a fox before so I don't have anything to go off of, if I had to guess I'd say 10-12 pounds? My buddy said he would call them at night also and they'd come in growling sometimes, said they'd make the hair on his neck stand up Lol.I used to call them at night and that was the absolute coolest thing. How much do you think he weighed?