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BigSlams yote trapping


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County

Sons a bitches worked my dirt hole last night and my fuggin trap was froze. I reset it with some dry dirt and peat moss and topped it off with a yote turd I found about 2 miles away. Put more bait in the hole with some llama fur. Hopefully they'll be back to work it again.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County

I walk about 2 miles every day checking snares and traps. Haven't had much luck lately but at least I have this nice view. Had a fuggin yote miss a snare today.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County

Caught my first grey fox this morning. There aren't many around here at all. I was coming down the hill and I saw something flopping around in the snare and I thought I caught a hawk. Got closer and I about shit my pants. Called my buddy up that has given me a bunch of tips on snaring and he was cool enough to come out with his catch pole. He's been trapping for 40 years and hasn't seen a grey in 5-6 years. Definitely the highlight of my crappy trapping season!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I used to call them at night and that was the absolute coolest thing. How much do you think he weighed?
I couldn't tell ya, I've never trapped a fox before so I don't have anything to go off of, if I had to guess I'd say 10-12 pounds? My buddy said he would call them at night also and they'd come in growling sometimes, said they'd make the hair on his neck stand up Lol.
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