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Boarhead's Coyote Snaring 2014


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
securedownload[1] (8).jpgsecuredownload[2].jpgDid not catch any yesterday but had a lot of rain on Friday night so kind of figured I would not have any luck yesterday but caught this big male yote today, Caught him on a trail they were running along the edge of a picked corn field and the pogo stakes are working out great as this is the second one I have caught using those stakes the 3rd yote I caught was one I wired off of a tree.They are really nice when you have nothing to wire your snare off of. I really enjoyed catching fox back in the 80s using foothold traps and dirthole sets and I actually caught my first coyote back in 1983 in a dirthole set about 80 yds from where I caught this one today. The snaring is a great way to knock out some of these yotes to help our deer herd, I am excited to get some out on the other farm Saturday when Don comes up as it should be a fun day, Hopefully their will be more to come next week.


Senior Member
Very nice. Im gonna set a few.snares wed.and see what I can get. I'm always hesitant pitting snares out for fear of.catching deer