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'Bout dang time...


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
This past few months have been a continual struggle to stay positive and maintain motivation at my job. We found out on May 31st that Royal Dutch Shell (AKA: Shell Oil) purchased all of our assests for $4.7 billion. This came five short months after we received an influx of cash from a private equity firm; this move created the first shreads of doubt about my future in a job I was starting to consider a career. Since June, Shell has dug deeper and deeper into our corporate headquarters in PA, with as many as 75 Shell employees displacing the people that had spent in some cases, their entire working lives in PA. All the while, nothing was seen or heard from Shell in WV following the inital: "Hi. We're Shell..." meetings. We've had zero money to spend, which means next to nothing to work on for the past few months. It sounds like a novel idea to have nothing to do until you have to do nothing and appear busy for months on end, all the while worrying about your future. To say it has been weighing heavily on me is an understatement.

Well, we found out this morning that we have a meeting at 10:30 tomorrow morning to enlighten everyone as to what is coming. It is almost 100% that Shell is not going to take over the WV assests; which we were 50% certain of on June 1st. There is a multitude of questions to be answered tomorrow, but the weight that could lift from my shoulders is all I am after. It might be that I'm given my severance and shown the door, but at this point, I'm just ready to know where I'm headed.

I'll have my fingers crossed for the next 24 hours in hopes that I still have a future in oil and gas. And that I won't need to beg, borrow, and steal to keep my head above water. Those of you that wouldn't mind, positive thoughts and prayers are always welcome...
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Senior Member
Hope everything turns out for you. As for your last line, I'm sure that you still have a future in gas/oil if that's where you want to be...Ohio, PA, and WV are exploding right now, and I'm counting on getting in that game in 4 years. Maybe you'll just have to go to law school with Milo and I and we'll start our own firm doing energy and land stuff.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Hope everything turns out for you. As for your last line, I'm sure that you still have a future in gas/oil if that's where you want to be...Ohio, PA, and WV are exploding right now, and I'm counting on getting in that game in 4 years. Maybe you'll just have to go to law school with Milo and I and we'll start our own firm doing energy and land stuff.

Problem is, I'm not willing to move. For starters, I'm not giving the Feds back there $8K and we have 10 more months under FHA regs that we have to live in our house. Add that on top of the fact we are home bodies, we aren't going anywhere unless it is an absolute last resort.

I have one, maybe two other oil and gas employment oppurtunities and I'd have to pull strings and use my dad to get me in the door and I'm not going to do that. So if I lose out on this job, I am most likely headed back to the business world. The irony in all this is that we were already slowing down (hence the need for a cash infusion) and it had me thinking about my future. I was worried I would be black balled in the business world because I'd been in oil and gas for four years. Now I'm 4+ years in and still in energy. The skills I developed while attenting a top ranked business school, still apply to my day to day job. My strongest skill IMO is my ability to win people over and I'll need that in order to get back into business. I'll have to prove I've lost nothing, instead I've grown when it comes to the skills I believe make a great salesmen. It's just scary to think about interviewing with some dipshit HR person who knows nothing about my job, so they rely on me to tell them all about. That it turns makes me wonder if they'll think I'm full of shit, which I am, but in a good way! ;)

Who knows right? I might retire as VP of Land from some upstart company that will come to fruition tomorrow. Or I might have to beg Sherwin-Williams to let me run a store. For my sake, I sure hope I don't have to go back to retail. Retail sucks ass...


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Thoughts and prayers for tomorrow buddy. I hope you get good news and the stress can settle back down and life will be a little better for ya. As I once told a very good friend of mine and I will now tell you, Stress is a silent killer so be very careful with it man.

Wishing you all the best tomorrow.


Senior Member
Stress is a silent killer so be very careful with it man

I wasn't sure where I was going to make this plug today, but I knew I was going to make it. This day was utter hell for me last year as I received a phone call from my dad saying that he was in the hospital with chest pains. Needless to say, I didn't sleep at all and had a miserable birthday worrying about dad. Thankfully, everything turn out ok per a heart cath and his stress has been greatly reduced, but that's exactly what it was. Be careful fellas, and even at 21 I know I'm preaching to the choir of high blood pressure and worrying.

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
I hope every thing works out for you jesse but the old saying "when one door closes another door opens."....It could be a blessing in disguise to a better job!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'll be thinking happy thoughts for you, man. Best of luck at the meeting tomorrow... I really hope everything works out for the best.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I'd do what I could Charles! Tucky also uses SW's as his supplier!

Well, small delay. Meeting is Friday, same place, same time. Guess that could be a good way to roll into the weekend...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'd do what I could Charles! Tucky also uses SW's as his supplier!

Well, small delay. Meeting is Friday, same place, same time. Guess that could be a good way to roll into the weekend...

Is this Friday the end of the pay cycle?


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Is this Friday the end of the pay cycle?

No. The main dude needed to get one more meeting in tomorrow that supposedly would answer one more question about the whole ordeal. Technically, he doesn't have to say anything until the 15th which payday and "shit or get off the pot" day as far as the entire Shell deal is concerned. That combined with insight from the high ups here, makes me comfortable it won't be bad news. Where I am going to get the most nervous is when implementation times comes around. How busy will we be? And how valuable will I appear to the new directive? The answer to those questions will determine my future...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
My thoughts and a prayer for you Jessie.

I know Range and Patterson always seem to be looking for people.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Um, Shell has trillions, they just don't want to spend it right now. It's called being tight with a buck.

We're not actually Shell here in WV, that transition has never taken place. The blanket company we have been under since mid-July, has enough money to cover overhead and that's as far as it goes. That has only fueled the snail's pace...