I measured my assenhiemer the way am used to, with the bow braced. It really is 3/4 of an inch less on the lower limb measuring from the top and bottom of the riser. Bingham suggests measuring the same way and they suggest 1/4 less on the lower limb.
It really shocked me that Donnie's bow is that far out.
I just went out and shot both bows alternating between the 2. The assenhiemer has string silencers and a quiver full of 580 grain arrows. It is totally dead in your hand. It is 52 pounds @ 28
My bow had no silencers at is probably 65 @ 28. My bow has a very slight vibration in the riser and some string noise. I would like to bring it over and check everything on the tillering tree before I start removing material.
I would also like to watch the first glue up in your new form.
Jim thanks it has been a fun project, I also made a new string for Milo's bow Sunday, which came out much better after your instructions