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Bow time

I measured my assenhiemer the way am used to, with the bow braced. It really is 3/4 of an inch less on the lower limb measuring from the top and bottom of the riser. Bingham suggests measuring the same way and they suggest 1/4 less on the lower limb.
It really shocked me that Donnie's bow is that far out.
I just went out and shot both bows alternating between the 2. The assenhiemer has string silencers and a quiver full of 580 grain arrows. It is totally dead in your hand. It is 52 pounds @ 28
My bow had no silencers at is probably 65 @ 28. My bow has a very slight vibration in the riser and some string noise. I would like to bring it over and check everything on the tillering tree before I start removing material.
I would also like to watch the first glue up in your new form.
Jim thanks it has been a fun project, I also made a new string for Milo's bow Sunday, which came out much better after your instructions


Senior Member
I suspect the vibration is curable by getting the limbs returning in harmony and tillered properly. I think you are down to finessing the tiller now, and since you have some weight to remove it should not be any trouble. important to take it very slowly.


Tatonka guide.
Got some work done today on this thingy. Spend a good bit getting the limbs in order and got to get the riser cut out. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1393711743.191132.jpg


Tatonka guide.
This is just a rough out of the riser and I have a darn good bit of hand work to do yet. I basically just got the riser cut out on the band saw and sanded all the saw marks out and got the shape right. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1393711875.299060.jpg


Senior Member
I really like the dark limb wedges. lookin' sweet, for an amateur. :biggrin: If that big hunk of scrap from cutting out the sight window is trash, save it for me. I have good use for it.


Tatonka guide.
I really like the dark limb wedges. lookin' sweet, for an amateur. :biggrin: If that big hunk of scrap from cutting out the sight window is trash, save it for me. I have good use for it.

Sure is scrap I will have Greg save it. You didn't respond to my text from earlier today:). 5 minutes bro. Ha


Senior Member
as a flunkie house painter, I'm suddenly feeling much better about getting mine on with only two hands and no degree. all this time I just thought I was a retard. my lacerated ego is completely healed now. :smiley_boogie:

you making any headway on getting weight down on your bow, Greg?
I have the weight down to 52 pounds which is what wanted and the bow has a .250 of an inch positive tiller
Bingham recommended adjusting weight by sand the belly and back of the limbs
When I tried that the bow went out of tiller on the lower limb
By the time I got that fixed the bow had negative tiller
When I got the tiller back I was at 52 pounds
The problem is now the upper limb is thinner than the lower and it looks bad
It shoots ok but it just does not look right
I did learn a lot building the bow and I will build another
I think the second try will go much better


Senior Member
second try will definitely go better. getting a shooter on the first try is something to cheer about. congrats. looks aren't everything.


Tatonka guide.
Well it feels like this thread has drug on forever..and it has ...we learned a ton and know how to knock a ton of time off for the next one. Not sure when that will happen as there will soon be gardens to plant, Turks to chase and carp to violate... So here it today's breakdown. Gregs is pretty much done it just needs finish. Today I got mine all shaped and somewhat sanded. Right now I have the limb tips curing up to be done next week as well as some finish sanding and run on sentences. Here are some picsImageUploadedByTapatalk1394400053.831090.jpgthis is what gregs bow should look like with finish. And some more pics ImageUploadedByTapatalk1394400128.866293.jpg


Tatonka guide.
Here is what mine should look like with finish on it ImageUploadedByTapatalk1394400367.719937.jpgneedless to say I'm pretty pumped up