aw shucks, I'm just happy yous guys got something useful out of all that. damn, that was a bunch of fun. :smile: Craftsmanship is on life support in our world today; slain by electric power tools in the name of profit. it's really sad how few people know how to use hand tools properly for woodworking. I'd still be one of those people myself if I hadn't been taken in by an old school master furniture builder. a real craftsman, the finest I've ever known. not only showed me how, but more importantly why. that there is real intrinsic value in craftsmanship. I'm still learning as I go, but knowing the best tools for the job and knowing how to use them(or how not to) leads to better results. not many shortcuts in bow building.
I need to come and look at your forms sometime. I've got a piece of LVL all cleaned up for a form. need to get hose and fittings and get it made. been threatening to do this for ten years. I think I'm ready. did your hose set up all come from Bingham's?