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Bow time


Tatonka guide.
G ImageUploadedByTapatalk1391965691.300479.jpggregs riser completely roughed out.
Well I have called it quits for the dayImageUploadedByTapatalk1391988470.683709.jpg
I have the riser shaped still rough
I also have the limbs shaped to match the riser
With Milo's help we got the tiller really close
It has been a long day by it us looking pretty good at this point
Cocktail time


Tatonka guide.
Wish I could have stayed the rest of the day but family issues pulled me away. Gregs bow is gonna be a looker. Jamie's teachings have proved extremely valuable. I fear we would have tried to be too cute with powertools and ruin the work as opposed to knowing what the hand tools we do have will do for us. Mighty fine work greg


Senior Member
aw shucks, I'm just happy yous guys got something useful out of all that. damn, that was a bunch of fun. :smile: Craftsmanship is on life support in our world today; slain by electric power tools in the name of profit. it's really sad how few people know how to use hand tools properly for woodworking. I'd still be one of those people myself if I hadn't been taken in by an old school master furniture builder. a real craftsman, the finest I've ever known. not only showed me how, but more importantly why. that there is real intrinsic value in craftsmanship. I'm still learning as I go, but knowing the best tools for the job and knowing how to use them(or how not to) leads to better results. not many shortcuts in bow building.

I need to come and look at your forms sometime. I've got a piece of LVL all cleaned up for a form. need to get hose and fittings and get it made. been threatening to do this for ten years. I think I'm ready. did your hose set up all come from Bingham's?


Tatonka guide.
aw shucks, I'm just happy yous guys got something useful out of all that. damn, that was a bunch of fun. :smile: Craftsmanship is on life support in our world today; slain by electric power tools in the name of profit. it's really sad how few people know how to use hand tools properly for woodworking. I'd still be one of those people myself if I hadn't been taken in by an old school master furniture builder. a real craftsman, the finest I've ever known. not only showed me how, but more importantly why. that there is real intrinsic value in craftsmanship. I'm still learning as I go, but knowing the best tools for the job and knowing how to use them(or how not to) leads to better results. not many shortcuts in bow building.

I need to come and look at your forms sometime. I've got a piece of LVL all cleaned up for a form. need to get hose and fittings and get it made. been threatening to do this for ten years. I think I'm ready. did your hose set up all come from Bingham's?

i actually borrowed the hot box and form parts from a friend of mine and i think he is done building so your more than welcome to use our stuff. the lvl would be sweet and wish we would have gone that way when we built ours. we are going to be building another form and probably bow again soon. being perfectionists is sometime a detriment but we got this down i think. i also have a one piece air hose that is like 70 + inches long. seems like that would be a better option for the BBO's if you asked me and fairly simple.


Senior Member
it's a commitment issue for me. adjustable form allows me to do whatever I please with each bow I glue up. making a form is committing to one glued up profile. I've got one that is worth committing to, finally. no doubt it will be easier than using 35 clamps to glue up, and provides more even pressure, better glue joints. if that piece of hose is long enough, I'll buy it from you along with anything else you don't want that I can use. seems like I'd need at least 75" or so of hose for a form that will accommodate up to 66" bows. need a little extry on each end for the plugs, which need to protrude beyond the end of the form.
I think I am going to get the guys in our sheet metal department to make a batch of brackets for the forms. I will get plenty so you can have a enough to make a form.

The last profile we used certainly made a couple very nice bows. And I even managed to kill a deer with one.
I had to take care of family things today but I did manage I little work in the shop
I glued up the limb tipsImageUploadedByTapatalk1392517515.540545.jpg
I may get time to shape them tomorrow
We are going to try to get milo 's limbs mounted tomorrow
I lost a tire on my ban saw so we are a little handy capped
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