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Brock and Mason ‘19-‘20


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I shot that yote across the road from my house. Same little push where you and I riddled that doe years ago

Most shameful day of my life. Not because you turned a doe into a kangaroo but because of how many shots I let fly at her. 🤔😅. That was a long day with a lot of walking, something had to die.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Most shameful day of my life. Not because you turned a doe into a kangaroo but because of how many shots I let fly at her. 🤔😅. That was a long day with a lot of walking, something had to die.
That piece was thick then, it’s far worse now. Amish cut all the big trees, left the tops scattered all over and it’s full of briars now. Perfect rabbit cover, hard to get a slug through it.
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a dog and a buck on the same outing. bravo, old man, bravo. why do you and Mason keep shooing those little bucks? :ROFLMAO:

seriously though, congrats. that is a nice deer, and some good shooting.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Congrats again!
@giles Blue coveralls. Shot him from a silige wagon. He had to work at it this year.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The pup got his first solo point and kill today!!!! He tracked the bird about 50 yards or so before locking down on point. I was so freakin excited to finally see him do it! Ruger pointed a half a dozen or so, all hens but one. The two roosters completed my limit for the day but after the pup got his I could have just stayed out all afternoon! I saw one heck of a good buck and a bunch of does too. Absolutely love bird hunting in the snow!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Mason and I went to the Gar hole farm today. I’ve not been in there all year. I spoke with the guys that sublease the neighboring property form me yesterday. They said the surrounding properties sounded like a war yesterday so I thought maybe our little patch would have a few deer pushed into it.
Mason didn’t want to shoot a deer with a gun so he packed the video camera while I took the 450. A neighbor who can no longer hunt said he’d like a deer so I planned to kill him one.
We stampeded an entire herd of cattle on the way in. Not exactly a sneaky approach. We climbed into the double ladder stand to find we don’t fit as well as we did when he was 10 Cozy but doable.
I kept hearing something behind us but thought it may have been the returning cattle. About a half hour into shooting light an 8 point buck came from a cedar thicket in front of us. He walked around us and on around to harass the three does that had snuck in behind us. No shot offered and he pushed them off the hill.
A few minutes later I saw a deer through the timber at about 100 yards. Then another and another. There were deer mingling all over the ridge! A big old doe eventually gave me a shot and she dropped so quickly we weren’t even sure if I’d hit her or not. Deer started bouncing around after the shot. They wanted to run but didn’t seem to know where to go. Seven or eight of them came towards us. As they started our way, Mason said, “Give me that gun”. I did and when he was presented a shot, he dropped a big doe too! We high fives and laughed for a bit before going to see our deer. It’s been several years since we’ve doubled up on deer and even though it creates a big mess and a little t of work, it sure was fun! It’s shameful that we didn’t snap a pic of Masons deer but she looked an awful lot like the one pictured below.