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Brock and Mason ‘19-‘20

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I think the birds and bunnies are in great peril for the forseeable future...

do you guys butcher your deer or take to processor?
That depends. Most of the deer we kill go to others. 9/10, if it is going to someone other than us, I have three friends that I trust with the job. If it will be staying with us, usually do the processing. I actually dropped these deer off at two different places yesterday. One will be almost entirely made into summer sausage and the other will be deboned and processed the same as I would do it at home.

FWIW... going bird hunting now. 😁

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm boning meat, then going squirrel hunting this afternoon. life is good. :D
Lord I shouldn’t type without my glasses or when I first wake up. Lol
The answer I was trying to convey is that if we are keeping the meat, I usually do the processing. Most of the deer we kill is given away so I take them to someone else to save me the effort. I’m now fortunate to have three friends that do them. Until just a few years ago I knew no one that I trusted with the job and therefore did every thing here at home. There are some really, really bad processors around. I like them clean and saw free. A meat saw is the worst thing a person can do to venison, but some do.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Clint, the boys and I got skunked this morning. We were into birds but they were all in the mood to run. In all the years Clint and I have bird hunted together, today was the first time we came home empty handed. It makes no difference, look at this view!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
A meat saw is the worst thing a person can do to venison, but some do.
Yep. People always ask why some venison tastes strongly and mine doesn't. Trying to explain that most processors using same meat saws and methods with venison as farm animals are essentially ruining it by transferring bone dust and fat which arent very tasty on venison

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Without a doubt, one of the most epic days of rabbit hunting I’ve ever been a part of. Mason, three of his buddies and I shot a five man limit and probably could have killed a few more. Found a shed antler too. It was a heck of a lot of fun to be out with these kids today.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Just finished em up. Masons buddy Kaleb hung with me to the bitter end to get them properly vacuum sealed and put up. The rest of em disappeared. Mason conveniently had baseball practice. Good lord that was a lot of bunny meat! It will certainly be delicious at some point in the near future.