Today is a big day, one I can't say I've looked forward to. Mason is going hunting without dear ol dad in tow. I am short staffed at the pizza joint tonight, and we have been crazy busy here. It's the first day of season, I haven't missed opening day for a mighty long time, but I can't get away today. Mason is going, taking his buddy, Kade, along to video tape the adventure. I'm confident in his ability and decision making, he's a good boy and far more mature and cautious with hunting tools than many adults. I know he will be safe and they will have a great time.
As anyone that has read my previous journals knows, Mason has shown a ton of discipline over the last couple of years in hopes of getting a shot at a once in a lifetime kinda deer. It hasn't panned out, but he's learned an awful lot, and so have I. He wants to kill something, and there are a couple of candidates that are likely to give him the opportunity tonight. With him hunting on his own, having a buddy with him to video it, I'd guess that if given the chance tonight, he's going to make one leak...even if it has less bone on it's head than deer he has passed the last couple of years. Who cares, it's just for fun anyway.
I checked a camera just a little bit ago. The deer he thinks is Beans was there all night along with a really pretty 8. I think the 8 is the pervert from last season, he seems to be awful assertive. And the 8 is not afraid of showing himself with plenty of daylight. He was last there at 730 or so this morning, and is likely bedded within 100 yards of the blind right now. Mason said he wants to see him in the flesh before deciding what to do. I'm betting he will shoot if he sees the deer. The last couple months have been pretty dang rough on our family, and I'd like to see the kid put that deer down, just to see him smile and enjoy the moment!
Here he is this morning. Today, he will do, I think.