So I went to the stand again tonight. I noticed last night the recent winds have taken care of some of our cover. It isn't terrible yet, but getting thin. So, I decided since Mason had launched at this deer already, I'd take the Excalibur as I figured he might look that tree over pretty good if he came in. I sat there, as motionless as humanly possible all evening. Sure enough, right at prime time, I get a cramp in both butt cheeks. My legs had already been sound asleep for more than an hour, but the pain in my butt was just too much, so I shifted ever-so-slightly. I looked to my left as soon as I did, and was pleasantly surprised to see Mr.Wide standing at 35 yards, checking me out. Broadside, curious, sniffing and whatnot... I looked through the scope at him, knew the yardage too, but only watched. That dude had me beat, and I figured if I turned that gawd-awful fast, but loud, crossbow loose I'd just have a long walk following blood. It was quite a standoff, and for a time I thought he was going to come on in. As it turned out, he walked on up the trail he was standing on. When I looked over and saw him, I actually whispered to God, "I appreciate your sense of humor". Mighty long, motionless wait to blow it at the last second, but that is typical.
Time to hide another stand nearby, I think this one is pretty well figured out.