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Brock/Mason 2018-2019

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Season will be here soon. Aside from shooting our bows almost daily, we've done nothing to prepare for deer season. We did acquire two new beagle pups, so we will be back in the bunny chasing game this year. Our bird dog is in good shape and from what I can tell, we should have a decent bird season this year. We have a lot to look forward to this season!

I hope to get some stands moved and a few cams up in the coming weeks, but likely as not, season will be in before I get around to doing any of that. Reducing effort a little last year added to the enjoyment. That's a lesson not forgotten.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Two new beagles? Who could have seen that coming? :D

I better pace myself. I got a hang on stand out yesterday. I hoped to have it hung this week. Might want to slow myself down.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I went all in today. It was a great day. I managed to hang two stands and two cameras, hung out with the landowner afterwards checking out his pics from the summer. There were no giant deer to be seen but he rarely gets pics of the really good ones throughout summer. I'm sure we will see some that trip the trigger. I returned home about 6 and met up with a buddy and his son. They have lost all their hunting spots so I helped them gain permission and showed them around one of my places close to home. They will have a good time hunting this place I think.
I snatched a pic from the landowners cam of a decent 8. He's no giant, but I'm no giant hunter. If I/we get a crack at this one, he will do.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Mason and I made it up to our honey hole yesterday to clear lanes and check cams. I feel like I can get pics of good bucks on most any farm, except this one. I have always struggled to get em there, even knowing precisely where they often travel. True to form, after a week, I had one small buck and a few antlerless deer on the cams. And as is the norm, we watched a dandy shooter buck cross the creek at a crossing I've hung cameras on a number of times. Lol. If I based my hunting off cameras in this place I'd never hunt it! Pics or not, looking forward to the season this year as always.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member

Here is a clip I just filmed. Mason wanted to launch an arrow with a Lumenok just to make sure they flew the same as the standard Eastons. I'd say they are pretty darn close. The shot was at 50 yards. He's shooting a Scott Longhorn Hunter hinge style (back tension). He plans to hunt with it this year against my suggestions. lol