I joined Jamie and Uncle Charley today for a few hours of squirrel chasing. Squirrels were not much into participating today, but Charley shot one and Lefty, the super dog, killed another. They had killed four prior to my arrival.
Mason went out in search of a doe. He took my dad’s old recurve in hopes of getting that elusive first trad kill. Not having a buck tag, bucks were the only deer drawn to his set up. Typical.

. We’ve known these three bucks since this summer. I believe two of them are two year olds, but one of them is a 140 class deer already. He doesn’t carry a birth certificate of course so there’s no way to say for sure, but he sure is young in appearance and will be a great deer presumably next season. Mason took some great video that he’s uploading to YouTube now. I’ll post a link when it is done. For now, some pics... these deer were as close as four yards, well within his recurve range. He decided to climb down after the bucks left with plenty of shooting light remaining and spooked an incoming doe. I asked him why he quit early and he said he’d already had a good hunt and if he’d have shot a doe it would have just been a mess... my boy