Since season has been in a couple weeks I think it’s time I catch up a bit on this thing.
Opening weekend I hunted one evening. I saw four does. I stopped by the landowners house to chat on the way to hunt. He said something that ticked me off. Probably shouldn’t have, but it did. I was pretty hot about it by the time the sunset so I pulled all my crap and left. I haven’t been back and have no plans to. He’s been in the shop and asked if I’d been seeing any deer, to which I replied that I haven’t been on his place since opening day. He seemed surprised but didn’t inquire further and I didn’t feel the need to say anything else regarding the matter.
So that had me in a mood for a couple weeks. I went out to our property one time. There were deer under my stand when I arrived. They bounced off and I climbed up. An hour or two later two does came off the hill in front of me and milled around under my stand until just before dark. Since then, I’ve not been hunting. Just checking cams and shooting my bow in my free time.
Last night I went up to Fayette for the first time all year. I hung out with the landowner a little longer than I should have. I ran back in the truck to check the creek crossings, they didn’t look very heavily used. The entire farm had beans on it and they had been harvested early... not looking good at first glance. So I figured I’d sit in the fence row since I had nothing better to do anyway. As I walked across 500 yards of cut Bean field, I notice there are young beans popping up. Maybe three or four inches tall. I’ve never seen this in a cut field... interesting. I thought the deer might enjoy that...
So just before getting to my stand I see a dandy young 8 point feeding in one of the Bean fields 100 yards or so from my stand. Somehow I managed to make it to the tree and up it without him seeing me. I wound up seeing 10-12 deer before sunset. Three small bucks.
Tonight I planned a short hunt at our place but changed my mind last minute. I drove back up to Fayette, went to my stand and found a doe feeding about the same place the buck was last night. She caught me. No matter. Had a fantastic sit. I saw 20 deer. Five bucks. Some young bucks harassing does. Just a fun sit. I even saw our favorite resident doe and true to form, she picked me off. There were 12 deer standing there, 11 had no clue I was there, but she did. She is 8 or 9 years old now, and I wouldn’t shoot her if she kicked me.
. So I had a blast tonight! Mason will be home next weekend so I’ll probably have a dead deer story before long