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Brock, Mason and friends.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
So pumped for you in getting Homer the hard way and with such a clean quick kill shot. You think he was out cruising after being lockdown with a doe?

Congratulations Brock👍🏻
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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
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So pumped for you in getting Homer the hard way and with such a clean quick kill shot. You think he was out cruising after being lockdown with a doe?

Congratulations Brock👍🏻
No, he was hot on a fresh tail. He had one pinned down a few days prior. I had a close encounter with him that evening but didn’t get a shot. Exciting though. I had slipped in on this ridge a couple weeks ago and did a hang and hunt. I got lucky and the set up was so perfect I just left it. I’ve been trying to over hunt it but due to good access I’ve been able to hunt the spot repeatedly and nothing seems to have picked up on me being there. I’ve had the same smallish doe feet from my tree numerous times. She’s not a fawn but she is not one of those hateful old girls either. She’s come up and down the same draw several times. I can’t say for sure but I think it was her that brought him by. He stopped when I gave him the meahhhh thing, which surprised me as he was hauling it after her. The entire thing was just perfect and I wish I’d had time to flip the camera on. It was just beautiful. Homer had a tendency to bed on a knob 100 yards or so NE of where I hung that set. With him coming home after a year and a half I really hoped he would return to those old habits. I think he did since I’ve had encounters with him three times in the last week and a half or so.

brock ratcliff

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Brock how do you remain so humble with all of your and masons success over the years...that alone is impressive to me.
I’m not terribly humble. I do however know Mason and I have gotten lucky more times than we deserve. He is out trying to get lucky right now on a five year old 10. He saw him two nights ago but it wasn’t in range of his recurve. He has his compound tonight- he’s prepared to send it. lol. We set his pal up on this buck the first year we owned that piece but somehow he walked right by them without the boys seeing him. That was during gun season too. I got a cell pic sent and thought for sure they killed him. There is no cell service at that farm so I drove out You can imagine his surprise when I showed him the pic w the blind in the background. lol. Hope he pays more attention today!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
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I told Mason to get rid of that compound if he wants to kill one with a recurve. 😂😂 it will always be a crutch guys fall back on.
And he probably told you to mind your business. lol. He was set up in a field tonight that the buck was in last night. The extended range there is why he took the compound. And I don’t blame him one bit. As you know on that farm we have a problem neighbor. One of them is going to kill that deer this season. I’d rather it be Mason and I don’t care what he uses to get him.


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And he probably told you to mind your business. lol. He was set up in a field tonight that the buck was in last night. The extended range there is why he took the compound. And I don’t blame him one bit. As you know on that farm we have a problem neighbor. One of them is going to kill that deer this season. I’d rather it be Mason and I don’t care what he uses to get him.
He said never!😂😂😂

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
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I’ve been pretty well laid up since late November. Spent a week in the hospital and have had a lingering infection that they just found and starting treating over the last three or four days. That issue has been a problem. I’ve been weak as a kitten and unable to do much of anything. Within a day of treating that particular infection I started to feel better. So that puts us up to yesterday or the day before…
Mason’s pal, Caleb has been around my house since he was six or seven years old. He’s spent a lot of time with us and introduced me to his future FIL yesterday as his “second dad”. Caleb had purchased 24 pheasants at my buddy’s preserve for yesterday. He insisted I come and bring Peanut. He really had no idea how sick I’ve been and honestly I didn’t think I’d be able to handle the walking. But I decided I was gonna try even though I wasn’t having a good morning yesterday and really just wanted to stay in bed.
I met up with the boys, Mason couldn’t go due to holiday plans w his girls family. Headed out and much to my surprise, I just kept feeling better with every step and folded bird.
Now for the good stuff…
I told Matt when we started out that I didn’t know if I’d be able to hang with it for the day. So he took out two of his GSP, which hunt these pen birds every day of their season. They are really good dogs. Peanut hasn’t stepped foot in pheasant cover since late March. I figured he’d be rusty. I was wrong.

Keep in mind once I start this bragging bit, I take ZERO credit for this dog’s ability. I’m not a dog trainer like JB, Jesse or some of you other fellas. I literally just took Peanut hunting with my old GSP when he was a pup until he learned the ropes.
So peanut rolls into the fields with the two GSP pros. He locks up on point a solid 50 feet from the first bird with the two GSP running around trying to find it. He holds. They eventually get in winding range of the bird (10 feet or so) and lock up. Peanut holds until I tell him to move up. The boys kill the bird and everyone comments on Peanut picking off the bird from long distance.
That continued for the duration of the entire hunt. Of the 24 birds the kids killed, I think that scenario played out exactly the same on 21!
We had pretty much concluded the hunt and we’re heading back to the lodge, walking along a pond edge when Peanut locked up on point at a cedar tree. I couldn’t see a bird but P said it was there was one in there so the boys gathered around, flushed the bird and shot it. It splashed into the pond still very much alive and swimming like a duck. Peanut jumped in, swam the length of the pond and retrieved the bird while the GSPs tried to stay dry. lol.
Obviously, I posted all this to brag on Peanut. I’ve loved this lil guy since the day we brought him home but each day I learn to appreciate just a little more how lucky we are to have him. A good dog enriches a man’s life in ways that can’t be measured! If he never hunted a bird he’d still be about the nicest little pet we’ve ever had.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
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He’d work the downwind side of the cover, point the birds and wait for the GSPs to come along. These dogs honor each others points pretty well, their issue was Peanut picked em off a long way from where the GSP knew why he locked up… so they kinda stumbled in front of him until they’d find a it… Matt sent me these pics. He took them as he was sort of amazed at part-time Peanut putting on a clinic for two of his full time pointers. And this is not a dig at his dogs in any way, he has about 20 GSP that are about as good as they get—- they just ain’t Peanut. 😀


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That's a great day. Glad you are feeling better. Think you could post a pic of Peanut to go along with the bragging? 😁

Edit: posted at the same time. Thanks for the pics. I couldn't remember which one was Peanut. Didn't think it was a gsp

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That's a great day. Glad you are feeling better. Think you could post a pic of Peanut to go along with the bragging? 😁

Edit: posted at the same time. Thanks for the pics. I couldn't remember which one was Peanut. Didn't think it was a gsp
I foolishly put him in the truck before the dead bird pic was snapped. By then he was ready to settle down for a well earned nap. He performed well but the little guy was more worn out than I was at the end of the day. We are going after wild birds in the morning. We have a week or so left and I can’t wait to put him out on a real hunt! He’d killed a limit of wild birds as a pup before he’d ever been on a preserve hunt.