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Buck and Travel


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
There is a guy out home that found a fawn with a dead mama last year and decided to raise it. The fawn ended up being a buck, and this year put on his first set of antlers, I believe it's a small eight. They keep a dog collar around it's neck for identifying purposes, and it hangs out around his house, but is free to do as it pleases. I guess Thursday, the deer went missing and sometime Saturday afternoon they got a call from a friend that the buck was in the Wal-Mart parking lot in Athens, and people were feeding it. The crazy part about this is that from their house to the Wal-Mart in Athens is roughly 15 miles as the crow flies. They are 100% sure this is the same deer. I know young bucks will travel a long ways, but 15 miles, man that's crazy!


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Funny stuff! A guy from work came back to the office on Friday after lunch with cell pics of a "6 point" in the walmart parking lot. He said it had a bandana around it's neck. Must be the one you are talking about.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Yeah, I would say that is it then. I couldn't remember if the buck was a six or eight. I have to admit, I don't know the guy real well and heard the story second hand from a guy I work with that knows him better. That deer must have been moving Thursday night!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
We have friends that did the same thing with a doe a couple years ago and it's still around their house, even came back with it's fawns. The deer that it hangs with will come by the house while this one makes it's way into the house for something to eat. It loves baked beans lol. We were there for a cookout when I was it for the first time. The boyfriend has a sawmill at the house and it sleeps in the sawdust piles lol. It would get agressive with kids though, trying to dominate them. But if you were taller then it it was cool with you.


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Here's the pic he took...

You can see it has something around its neck.