While waiting I began the drag to an access area along the creek. I drug her about 100 yards while crossing the creek twice with all my gear and my doe. My boots got filled with water as my boot height wasn't quite tall enough. I hate wet feet.
Does Sightings: 3
Bucks Sightings: 3
Different Bucks: 3
Shooters Seen: 0
Total Sightings: 6
Deer Killed: 1
Morning Hunts: 4
Evening Hunts: 2
All Day Sits: 0
Total Hunts: 6
Hours on Stand: 13
Average Time Per Hunt: 2 hour 15 minutes.
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: .50
Stands/Blinds Hunted: 6
Properties Hunted: 1
About 6:30 pm I heard hoof prints behind me. The noise silenced. About 5 minutes later a deer ran at full speed only feet from the back of the blind. I hear hooves pounding the ground. I look out the left window and I see a white tail bounding down the food plot lane toward Scott. A couple seconds later, I hear "Twack".
He radios me, "Doe Down". Evidently that doe was approaching me from my back side, winded me, ran right to Scott, and committed suicide.
Saturday 6:30 pm, Three Hunters, Five Dead Deer, 36 hours.