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Bushnell Owners (or anyone else)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I've been having an issue with my Bushnell Trophy Cam. It hasn't been taking pictures. I'm getting a few, but it's missing some. I know it's missing some because the other night there was a 3 point feeding in front of it and it never took one pic. It got me going in and out, but nothing of the deer.
It took a few pics a couple days later of some doe, but that was it. All my corn is gone. Turkey tracks everywhere. Deer tracks everywhere. Any advice?
I have it set on "Low" as that is what the manual said for cold weather. Is it the settings?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Dignitary Member
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I saw that it is rated to -5. My wife just ordered me one for Christmas, so let me know what you find out. What kind of batteries are you running in it?
Camera stops taking images or won’t take images
Please make sure that the SD card is not full. If the card is full, the 1. camera will stop taking images.
Check the batteries to make sure that they are new alkaline or 2. lithium AA batteries. See note above about short battery life.
Make sure that the camera power switch is in the “On” position 3. and not in the “Off” or “Setup” modes.
Make sure that you are using a good quality SD card in your 4. camera. Bushnell recommends SanDisk® SD Cards up to 4GB.
If the SD card has its write protect switch in the lock position, the 5. camera will not take images.
If you have used an SD card in another device before inserting it 6. in your Trophy Cam, you might want to try formatting the card using the “Format” parameter in Setup mode (make sure you have backed up any important files first, as formatting will erase all previous files). In some cases, other devices may change the formatting of the SD card so that it will not work properly with the Trophy Cam.


Junior Member
The Low,med, high sensitivity settings are based off of temp of the game...I think.

I believe I read that on chasing game dot com. I have all five of mine set to high when it gets cold and low in the late summer.

May help.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Cd, thx man... I really think it's the setting. I'm putting my dad on it in the morning. While I'm warm at work I'm sending his ass out in cold to switch it.

Kat, thx for the info as well. We actually had the sd card problem before with the format switch.
Also, I know the batteries are good. They are pretty new and the old ones lasted all last winter. Great battery life with this camera.

For you guys who were getting one... Don't back out yet. Like I said, it's been very good with quality pics. It is a huge reason for the buck I got this year. I'm just working a bug out. I'll keep you posted if the problem gets fixed with the setting issue. If you want to see some of the pics go to my album or some of my threads in the cam forum.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I've been running mine since December of 2009 and have never had this type of issue. Like recommended, I run my PIR sensitivity on LOW during the winter months. I however do not run regular alkaline batteries... I use the Energizer Ultimate Lithiums. Whether or not it makes any difference, I don't know. I haven't checked mine in a few weeks, but I'll be doing it this weekend so I'll let you know what I figure out.


Junior Member
Maumee, OH
my truth cam stopped taking pics when the batteries got TOO low (3 pics in 5 days.) another thing is snow or ice covering the sensor. I replaced my batteries last week and got 147 pics in 24 hours. fugging squirrels!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My dad called bushel this morning. He said we have the setting for cold weather correct. It should be on low. They offered to replace the camera if we send it in.
We are going to try some of the things you guys posted first. I still need that camera now!
The ice on the sensor could be the problem. Never thought of that. Also, I didn't know the software needs updates. Thx guys!