Ultimate Lithium batteries like JBrown said. I think our older ones only accept the 2GB cards. I use cards specifically for the camera. I don't mix between cameras and I format everytime in order to delete the old pics. I have never changed from "High" sensitivity. Might try that. Need to do some software updates as well. Not pulling the cams until after this weekend though. I stay out of the area unless I am hunting it. The one camera was not swapped from Sept until December. lol Only reason for this is the one time I hunted that spot I didn't have the keys to swap the card. That camera is an inventory cam for sure. We just like to leave this area alone.
To the other guys, I would not worry if you are considering a purchase. Best camera for the money.
To the other guys, I would not worry if you are considering a purchase. Best camera for the money.